
  1. GhorMaanas

    Enter, 'The Humble Juggernaut' !

    Hi, {Apologies for creating a dual post. a couple of fellow members had PMed me sometime back regarding current prices of components, and lest they dont miss my earlier post, am creating a new one here, with slight editing. had created the earlier one in an amalgam of haste & excitement...
  2. d3p

    Suggestion to Mod a Corsair H50 for Cooling NB.

    Hey Folks, Few Months back i pinned a hole on my Corsair H50 & its busted. I have a Gigabyte GA EX58A UD7 Rev-1.0 Motherboard & the motherboard supports W-C loop, which comes with water block pre-installed. the specs of the water block says the tube must have the following dimensions...
  3. azzu

    PIp help

    gonna buy a LG or Samsung PIP (picture in picture ) tv is it good i mean does pip picture tubes gives problems ?? cmon GEEEEKKS
  4. A

    Who wants a vacuum tube amplifier?

    Who woulda thought in this day and age people still use vacuum tubes? Yes there were vacuum tube computers in the very old ages. But transistors are IT. They consume a lot lot lot less power and switch much much much faster. You talk about gigahertz in transistors and well hertz for vacuum...
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