
  1. topgear

    How to Create FreeBSD 7 DVD From CDs

    Ok. I'am going to start this tutorial from scratch. I'll present this tute as a workshop in front of you so that you don't have to suffer in confusions. Here I go : 1. login as root. Create a folder under root and name it freebsd (eg./freebsd). create a folder under freebsd and name...
  2. topgear

    Installing software from source in Linux

    So you've downloaded a software package with tar.gz or tar.bz2 extension and have no idea what to do with it. Or perhaps you already know that it's most likely the source code of the program you want to install and you have to compile it, but don't know how. Don't worry, compiling and installing...
  3. Manshahia

    Linux Software Problems

    I downloaded soe softwares with tar.gz format. Unpacked them using tar -zxvf .....tar.gz Now how can i run them ??
  4. Tech Geek

    ARC convert

    ArcConvert can convert the following archives: 7-ZIP/ LZH/ CAB/ ZIP/ ARJ/ ACE/ RAR/ Z/ BZ2/ YZ1/ YZ2/ GCA/ TAR/ TGZ/ GZ/ BEL/ RPM/ DEB/ BH/ Noa32/ HKI/ PAQAR/ UHARC/ LFB/ ZLIB/ SQX/ HA/ ZOO/ UCL/ IMP/ RS/ SPL/ APK/ Arc/ DZ to the following archives: ZIP/ 7-ZIP/ CAB/ LHA/ TAR/ TGZ/ BZ2/ YZ1/ BGA/...
  5. P

    help me setup a smartlink dialup modem and connect via sancharnet dialup

    I'm completely new to linux and have installed fedora core 4. I have a smart link 56k dialup modem from krypton and it is working fine in windows xp. I'm not able to install its drivers in linux. At first I used the driver provided by the manufacturer (slmdm-2.7.14). I extracted the...
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