
  1. krishnandu.sarkar

    Is sumthing wrong with my proccy?

    In CPU Usage History graph in performance tab in taskmanager, it shows graph in only one core. And thr is very low graph in the other core. Like I've monitored and uploaded some images here.....plz take a luk... *
  2. krishnandu.sarkar

    Guys Plz Help Me With My Final Yr Project

    Hie........I'm in final yr and I'm supposed to make a project based upon any language. I'm thinking of doing sumthing different as everyone is doing similar type projects in VB6.0 and Access. So I want to do sumthing in VB.NET or if possible topics like online shoppong, Internet banking...
  3. garfield_56

    Mobile---rs.10,000--not n73/70

    heya..frenz... i want to buy a new mobile within RS.10-12000... preferrably nokia....but for a change...sumthing else will also do! its main features shud be::: ~~long battery lyf, `` Fast( speed is a must!!) ~~durable ~~stylish nd yes....i dont want n70 or n73....sumthing else... Any...
  4. krishnandu.sarkar

    How Can I Know Last Accessed Time Of My PC

    hey..........frndz is thr any way i mean any command or sumthn lyk that to know when my pc last turned on n the duration.......?????? or sumthing frm which i can know the last accessed tym of my pc????? thnx in adv.......plz help.........its urgent....!!!!
  5. krishnandu.sarkar

    Prob using uTorrent

    Hey frndz I'm facing a odd problem...........whenever I dwnld sumthing using utorrent.................Next day my PC refuses to connect to net............ I mean suppose I dwnlded sumthing using utorrent 2day.............2moro my net wont connect............first I thought that thr was some...
  6. harryneopotter

    getting low speeds plz ..

    Hi guys ... i am using 2 mbps NU plan from VSNL .... but the speed i got from is 54kbps ........... so is it a ISP side prob ... or sumthing wrong in my windows setting ? .... Plz help ...
  7. thewisecrab

    Unable To Remove StorageProtector Spyware And a Virus!!!

    Hi guys My friend was surfing the net casually (didnt open any illegal or warez site) when suddenly his computer was bombarded with messages like: Your PC is unstable To solve this problem click ok or click on windows troubleshooting to solve your instablity or Your system has performed an...
  8. C

    audio problems wit uTorrent

    i can download the videos and start watching them on windows media player but i dont have sound sumthing about missing adio codec can sum 1 please helpme.
  9. Shasanka_Gogoi

    Lowest national sms rates in Delhi

    Hi everyone! I am having some problems choosin the mobile network provider that ud serve me the best purpose and so I seek all of your valuable suggestions for that- I ud be shifting to Delhi in the next 1 and a half month so please suggest me a Mobile Plan under any network provider...
  10. C

    wat error is it?

    weneva m surfing i sumtimes get error saying ""The instruction at "0x62304390" referenced momory at "0x62304390". The memory could not be "read" Click on OK to terminate program " what is it?? is it spam or sumthing ?? i have scanned comp its not virus..
  11. gauravakaasid

    MS Word is driving me crazy!!

    got a big prob guys, whenevr i type sumthin in word, and want to go back and insert sumthing new into that text, the previos text gets deleted automatically. how do i resolve this?? help me out!!
  12. The Incredible

    Resource Hacker

    Hi! Is there any Resource hacker user present on da site. If yes then plz tell me sumthing abt it. What is Resource Hacker? What is its use?
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