
  1. anurodhjindal

    Yahoo offers web-based IM

    Yahoo on Thursday launched a web-based version of its free instant messaging service . The service is initially launching in India, Brazil, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam and the United States. It is to be made available in other countries through the rest of the year. Yahoo Messenger...
  2. koolbluez

    100,000-person pixelboard!

    Here's an unforeseen benefit of totalitarian states: you can use your absolute authority to require 100,000 people to form a giant human pixel-board: 100,000 North Korean residents trained for a year to perform at the Arirang Festival (The Mass Games). The state's immense...
  3. hailgautam

    The World's Billionaires

    Shamelessly Copu/Pasted From Rank Name Citizenship Age Net Worth ($bil) Residence 1 William Gates III United States 51...
  4. anandk

    Dr. Microsoft.

    The Redmond software giant took a small but significant step into the consumer healthcare market by acquiring health-information web search engine Medstory. Then Microsoft announced it would distribute for free a series of guidance documents and development toolsets that it said would help...
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