hey guys
i recently installed redhat 9 on my pc. all the hardwares have been detected and they work fine except my motorola sm56 pci speakerphone modem! can ne1 explain its installation in details???
thx in adv!
hi everyone
can someone tell me where can i find windows xp sp2 driver
for motorola sm56 pci modem.
is it available somewhere for free download.
plz help.
There are a lot of geeks out there find a solution for this. See i have a frontech Motorola Sm56 modem i want to install the modem in windowsXP professional.
Know for the cache
1.I don't have a sm56 modem drivers
I tried out this way:
1. I got into the internet and found the drivers for...
I have Internal Modem Motorola SM56.
I have Installed Red Hat Linux 9.0
Linux detects my modem but I am not able to surf Internet on this modem
When I query Modem It is not showing any commands.
What Should I do to surf Internet on Linux Using Motorola SM56
hello every body
i have i computer and want to install linux.my problem is not linux i can install any linux that i like but in all of the linux i cant use my modem. i want to use internet on linux and my modem is Motorola SM56 PCI Speaker Phone/Fax Modem. Plz can anybody help me installing...
iam using fedora core 3 frm digit.
iam unable to connect to the internet since my modem is not detected in fedora core 3.iam using dax internal modem which has MOTORALA SM56 chipset.iam unable to find any drivers in the net.can anyone suggest me the site frm which i can download the...
i dowloaded the drivrs for sm56 from sm56.tk
they are for both gcc2.x and gcc3
what is gcc where can i get it
and int the steps of installing the drivers the last instruction was "make install" what does this mean
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