
  1. anandharaja

    Need UPS for my system

    hi currently i have moserbear UPS now the battery is dead, asked in the computer shops they have only ups no battery, so i decided to change battery myself asked in the electronics store, they have SIGMA brand 3 months warranty the ratting is 7.2AH UPS have Luminuous 7.5AH battery. is that...
  2. Soumik

    New Micro 4/3 lens suggestion

    Hi All, I have a Olympus Pen Mini (EPM 1), and i also have 2 lens' for it. The 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 lens and the 40-150mm f4-5.6. I want to get a prime lens which will give me better color, better bouquet, and should be considerably faster than my kit lenses. In my camera, ISO more than 800...
  3. Anish

    Victory at CERN - Higgs Boson found?

    At CERN, scientists while researching proton collisions at the LHC [Large Hadron Collider] stumbled upon the probable evidence of the existance of Higgs Boson - "The God Particle" after years of research.! Source: CERN...
  4. r4gs

    filters and servicing

    Does anyone know where I can get 81a and 81b warming filters? I've tried ebay and a couple of shops in bombay and dadar but couldn't find any. Can anyone give me the address of a sigma service centre in bombay. My lens focus motor has gone kaput and the elements are fungus infested. Thanks
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