
  1. I

    Protective Case/Cover for Portable External Hard Disk Drive

    Hello everyone, I have two Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 1TB USB 2.0 portable external hard disk drives, and I am keen on purchasing a protective case/cover, for each of them. Having looked up on Flipkart, I am unsure which of the available cases will ideally enclose each drive in its entirety, with...

    Protective case for acer iconia a500

    hi, can any one tell me which indian online website provide protective cases for tablets,acer iconia ebay the shipping wud take 20 days(from usa). is there any other sites??
  3. Ron

    Computer Protective Glasses

    Guys, These days whenever I sit In front of the computer, my eyes starts painin a lot……….thus, Yesterday my fren told me to use Computer Protective Glases……..I just want to know how does this glasses looks and works and where can I buy it in Bangalore….and hey Is there any other better soln...
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