
  1. S

    Need help for Sound card

    My PC which was installed over a year ago did not have a sound card. Can you please suggest options for sound card for this. Usage will be mostly movies and listening to music. the in-built sound card has not been effective. i7-3770K Asus P8Z77-M Pro 8GB RAM intel 240GB 520 series...
  2. H

    i5 asus p8z77-m vs gigabyte ga-z77m-d3h

    asus p8z77-m vs gigabyte ga-z77m-d3h which one and why ? mostly gaming :)
  3. A

    Whats the difference in these 2 motherboards?

    ASUS P8Z77-M Motherboard ASUS P8Z77-M Motherboard | Motherboard | Flipkart.com ASUS P8Z77-M PRO Motherboard ASUS P8Z77-M PRO Motherboard | Motherboard | Flipkart.com Needed for a gaming PC. The M-Pro is expensive by about 2.5k, what else? I had originally ordered the M-pro from flipkart...
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