
  1. RBX

    Skydrive Usage Policy

    My laptop's hard disk is about to fail, so I have decided to upload all my pics to skydrive. Skydrive's usage policy - Code of conduct states this rule among many Does that mean my pic in bathing suit could get my account suspended ?
  2. tarey_g

    Sims 2 content "worse than Hot Coffee"

    How do you like your hot coffee? If you're Jack Thompson, you like it scalding game publisher's laps. The Miami attorney and antigaming activist has done his share to see that games don't fall into the wrong hands. And lately, those hands have belonged to almost everyone. Thompson was...
  3. A

    Nudity Detection Software

    some servers have this nudity detection softwares installed which doesnt allow some pornographic sites to open... can anyone tell me on which basis or algorithm this software work ?? one server disallowed a photography site of a wellknown person as porn....
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