
  1. D

    What to See While Talking ????

    I am very shy and I feel uncomfortable talking to the person seeing his face. But when i try to do so i get confused whether to see the eyes or mouth. I keep switching from the two positions and finally get irritated and resort to bend head. What should i be seeing while talking a to a person.
  2. soumya

    Hmmm....What was it, that you last put in your mouth?

    I tried to come up with an original idea in the chit chat section and this was the best I could come up with :D You just have to post the last thing you had in your mouth at the time of posting. For me, it was WATER :)
  3. ironfreak

    Audio not coming on website

    I want to watch this video- * But here audio is not coming. Why is this so ? Itst heir problem or I lack any plug-in/codec ? Now see this- * I got scared when she...
  4. karnivore

    Amir Khan - Hypocrite or Idiot ??

    I hope, this has not yet been debated here. Few days back Amir Khan made a nice little entry in his blog, which was actually a justification for his decision to run with the Olympic Torch. He wrote, that he will be running "with a prayer in my heart for the people of Tibet, and indeed for all...
  5. goobimama

    Toshiba Quits HD DVD Business

    ^^ Watch you mouth boy. India is one country.
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