
  1. JGuru

    Expert Java Programming Part IV

    Expert Java Programming Part 4: In this tutorial we'll write some cool Java games like BreakOut, PackMan, MineSweeper, ripple effect, Tetris, Scrabblet, CDShelf. 1) Write a Find MacOS Finder File browser like Stacked view ? Ans: You can browse among the albums by clicking on...
  2. JGuru

    Foundation of Java Programming

    Foundation of Java Programming This is guide for learning Java programming for budding programmers & those who are beginning Java programming. These are very introductory programs (beginner to intermediate level). In order to become a very good programmer you need to be 1) Very good...
  3. JGuru

    Expert Java Programming Part III

    Expert Java Programming Part III In this tutorial we will look at writing Java Programs at the expert level!! I got some exciting Java programs to get your Java adrenaline pumped up!! Let's get started!! 1) Write a simple program to show a Collage Demo in Java ? /** *...
  4. JGuru

    Introduction to Android programming

    Introduction to Android programming Lets get started programming in Android!!. I give some android useful examples with complete source code. I'm not a android programmer. But learning android is easy for a Java programmer!! Let's start !! Threads Handler Demo package...
  5. kARTechnology


    Hi completed C subject in my Engineering:-D... Today I developed a code, I'm getting array is too large and structure is too large.but i need large structures, or is there any alternative way? the aim is to STORE log records(roll,time) from a fingerprint-based time attendance soft which...
  6. JGuru

    Expert Java Programming - Part 2

    Part II of Expert Java JButton A JButton can show an Image or text or both. Here we display an Image. An array of buttons is shown displaying the images. The method loadImages() loads the images in the 'Images' directory. The method darken and brighten , darken & brighten the Image. We...
  7. JGuru

    Java : Interview Questions & Answers

    Java : Interview Questions & Answers Most of guys dread the Java interview in a company. Here are some of the frequently asked questions to help you prepare for the interview in a better way. Read on and memorize these questions & answers. Also understand the core concepts. You must read...
  8. JGuru

    Expert Java Programming

    Expert Java Programming Learn how to program using the Java language at the next level - expert level. This guide contains plenty of code that showcases how to use Java at the higher level. The following demo shows how to implement a custom button with a custom color. The button pulsates...
  9. The Conqueror

    Geometry Problems C++

    I was reading this tutorial Algorithm Tutorials but I couldn't understand this piece of code. (Line-Point distance). Could someone explain this in a simpler way? //Compute the distance from AB to C //if isSegment is true, AB is a segment, not a line. double...
  10. A

    TCP program connection time out

    Hi, I am new to TCP programmng and am strucked in my very first program. It compiles and runs but gives the error connection time out. /*It is an echo server program that sends message to the given ip but does not receive anything */ /*I am getting connection time out. Why */...
  11. The Conqueror

    C Programming : File I/O

    Problem: You receive a credit C at a local store and would like to buy two items. You first walk through the store and create a list L of all available items. From this list you would like to buy two items that add up to the entire value of the credit. The solution you provide will consist of...
  12. sksksksk

    Simple Core Java Error

    Well below is a program for Railway Reservation. Its not mine but I downloaded it from net. import*; public class reservation { InputStreamReader isr=new InputStreamReader (; BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader (isr); //System.out.print("Please enter a word"); int...
  13. S

    Programming puzzles

    Post some interesting " find the output " type questions or any other sort of tricky programs here in c++ or java.... take the following code: int i, n = 20; for (i=0; i<n; i--) { cout << "x" << endl; } by changing only ONE character in the above code, meaning you cannot change 20 to...
  14. JGuru

    The Ultimate Guide to Java Programming & Reference:

    The Ultimate Guide to Java Programming & Reference Hey Guys in this post, I'm going to give you the list of the best books & resources on the Web to study Java Programming, plus I'm going to give you some programs written by me to help you understand Java programming better. I have more...
  15. W

    C++ program running too slow

    I am new to c++ and started learning last month.I am trying to solve this problem:- 2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder. What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to...
  16. The Conqueror

    Sorting Data

    Define a structure called c ricket the will describe the following information - i) Player's name, ii) Country name, iii) Batting average. Write a program that will store information of 25 players using this structure, also arrange and display names of these players in...
  17. The Conqueror

    Unable to count blank spaces

    The problem is to print the total number of upper case characters, lower case characters and blank spaces in a string. Here is my code : #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { int blank = 0; int upper=0; int lower = 0; char ch[80]; int i; gets(ch)...
  18. clmlbx

    find sum of prime numbers till 2 Million..

    Problem:- The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17. Find the sum of all the primes below two million. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int flag = 1; unsigned long long sum=0,i,j,numb; cout << "Enter number untill you Want to...
  19. clmlbx

    Euler problem no 8

    To solve:- Problem 8 - Project Euler solution:- #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int i,j,larg =0,prod; char series[1000] =...
  20. theserpent

    Help me in these programs(C programing)

    I need help in these programs i can't figure out how to do it :( Fuctions:With Arguements and with returns IN C PROGRAMING 1)Sum of digits of a number untill the resulting value is a single digit no 2)Find the frequency of a digit in a given number 3)To find the no of odd and even in a...
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