
  1. S

    Graphics Card in budget 6k.

    Hello, I have a i5-650 processor and an NEC motherboard with 8gigs of ram with VIP smps 400R 300w. I also have an i5-750 processor. An Lg Flatron L1718S monitor. I want an graphics card for gaming. My budget will be 6000/- I won't be playing them at full res on low fps but should work at...
  2. X


    I have i5-750 with ASUS P7P55D. But recently my MOBO got burned so I need to get a new motherboard for 1156 socket. Will any motherboard with any CHIPSET having the 1156 socket work? I know this is a 1st gen processor so no internal graphics. I have a GPU so not worried about that. Please...
  3. giprabu

    Intel I5-750 pc getting frozen .. :(

    One of my friend uses intel DP55WB board with core i5-750 proccy.. While working, frequent beeps are heared from the system unit and then the entire system gets frozen, after which restarting or switching off the ups is the only option . :( he was using a local brand 400w psu and then...
  4. P

    AMD P2 555 BE vs. INTEL i5-750

    hi guys. I am going to assemble a new rig and wanted to know which of the two, amd p2 555 be vs. intel i5-750 would be better....... my local assembler says that do not go in for amd because if something goes wrong then you will be in a big mess(I don't trust him so please comment on this...
  5. D

    Which motherboard for i5-750?

    I am considering a new system. I have decided following components. CPU- Intel i5-750 @10K Graphics -XFX Radeon HD 5750 XXX ED (single) @10K RAM Kingston 1333 GHz 2x2GB. @5.8K [Suggest similarly priced better memory pls.] Cabinet - Cooler Master 690 @6K Now please tell me a good but not very...
  6. desiibond

    core i5 review roundup (from benchmark sites)

    By looking at the reviews, core i5 looks to be a serious threat to Nehalem and deadly to Phenom II X4. benchmark reviews: In nearly all of our benchmarks today, the Intel Core i5-750 outperformed the AMD Phenom II X4 965 and the Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450. In many tests, it even matched the Core...
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