
  1. kg11sgbg

    Discussion on MILAGROW MT07/7.16 PRO (8GB internal Memory)TabTop/Tablet...with others.

    Hello all,@TDF Friends! Very recently I was Gifted/Awarded a MILAGROW HUMANTECH 7.16 PRO(MT07) TabTop/Tablet ,8GB internal memory, by Milagrow HumanTech,obviously for FREE. Those of whom don't know about the event may see HERE AT Chit-Chat SECTION PLEASE BEAR THE PATIENCE TO...
  2. kg11sgbg

    [Praise] Re: VeeDee Enterprises of Mumbai and after Sales Services.

    To all my @Forum Friends... I truly pay my Respect ,Honour and Gratitude to VeeDee Enterprises of Mumbai for their OUTSTANDING + EXCELLENT service to me. I had purchased a VeeDee E-10 Tablet(actually:---> WONDERMEDIA 8850 Tablet of VIA + ARM chipset)on the month of September 2012. It is...
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