
  1. grendel

    Suggest me a Unix OS

    Hi, Please recomend me a Unix operating system, which is better Solaris or Darwin, is there any other Pure Unix OS. And how about drivers and codecs for these os are these available freely , I can see nvidia drivers for Solaris but not for darwin.
  2. koolbluez

    The 2007 Darwin Awards are back :D

    Named in honor of Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, the Darwin Awards commemorate those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it. Didn't get the satire? To put it in a more humane nature, it's for those ppl who died by their own...
  3. din

    Apple releases the source code of Leopard core - Darwin 9

    News Source Source Code Apple has released the source code to Darwin 9, the underlying open source operating system ofMac OS X 10.5 Leopard. "Darwin is the open source UNIX-based foundation of Mac OS X. Darwin integrates a number of technologies, including the Mach 3.0 microkernel...
  4. aku

    Confused About Darwin

    Wanna kno wat id darwin... i mean da diff btwn open darwin and apple darwin... will it run on my p4 puter? wanna kno anythin and possibly evrythin abt it... will it giv a mac like look an feel????
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