
  1. Flash

    400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God

    Source:400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God | Metro News They better be eunuchs, than being a blind religious men.
  2. giprabu

    Can a video captured in a digicam be upscaled ??

    My query is specific about digicam because i'm pretty much convinced that an already downscaled video clip cant be upscaled by any means..
  3. vandit

    strange problem.......

    recently when i try to switch on my pc, it doesnt start.....the pros. Led remains on continously and the monitor remains on the standby mode.....the pc sometimes starts perfectly and then i face no problem whatsoever.......hence i m convinced that it is not a heating prob.....plz help.........
  4. godsownman

    Broadband Confusion

    Hi, I am in a dilema and thats why I put this up for your opinions. I had posted something similar but i forgot to use the POLL feature so I repost here.Sorry for that. I was nearly convinced untill I heard some conflicting views. So please vote at you choice. Also is a 64 kbps...
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