
  1. C

    Frog in invisible cloak in crysis warhead

    a frog in "cloak mode" in crysis warhead. discovered by accident.
  2. radicaltech

    Video: Fractal Metamaterial Wideband Invisibility Cloak!

    Source: Fractal Metamaterial Wideband Invisibility Cloak! Narrator Nathan Cohen. FRACTAL's breakthrough invisibility cloak is shown. The wideband, microwave cloak is shown in lab prototype along with live results. Watch how the invisibility cloak nearly matches the DIRECT microwave power...
  3. naveen_reloaded

    The invisility cloak will be ready in five years

    An invisibility cloak just like the one Harry Potter used to creep out of Hogwarts could become a reality within five years. But instead of using magic, researchers from Purdue University, Indiana are using 'nanotechnology' and 'metamaterials' along with Einstein’s theory of general relativity...
  4. naveen_reloaded

    Domain name and webspace

    Hi all .. i have just now installed vbulletin on freehostia and got a domain... just tell me how to link both of these .. i dont want to simply redirect or cloak ... in i have the DNS management.. and also in freehostia.. wht should i do to get like...
  5. ferrarif50

    Scientists Create Invisibility Cloak

    Using a new design theory, researchers have developed the blueprint for an invisibility cloak. Once devised, the cloak could have numerous uses, from defense applications to wireless communications, the researchers said. Such a cloak could hide any object so well that observers would be totally...
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