is banning geocities a big site of yahoo, and blogger another biggee from google right. some isp's in india are planning to ban these sites as government of india wants these sites to be banned, as these are promoting illeagal things.
i use blogger to blog, now if that is banned, i will be...
I want to shift from blogger to wordpress....imprting of posts is not a problem... but how do i redirect people from my blogger blog to my wordpress blog?
Blogger has facility of posting text message thru e-mail.
wordpress has facility of posting the message categorywise.
is there any blog which offers both ?
I blog at Now while I was just browsing through some blogs, I came across many blogs which did not use the stock template for the theme/skin of the blog. Could someone give me a detailed procedure on how to change the skin of blogger? Or atleast the title banner to my own...
Blogger - The Best Place to start Blogging - Probably True
Blogger - The Best Blogging Platform - Definately Not True
One major functionality that blogger lacks is categories, which is present in almost every other decent blogging platforms. So if you, like i once was, are irritated with the...
google's image cataloging software picasa is more impressive in the new version. the searching of imaging is the fastest. and the editing features are also good.
i also downloaded Hello! and started a blogger at
so that i can directly send images to the blogger. It is very...
Google is up to major updates its Picasa and Blogger now. Who knows whats next may be some new products will be available like gbrowser. Until check this out
Picasa Update: *,1759,1752053,00.asp?kc=EWRSS03119TX1K0000594
Blogger Update ...
Hi Guest we just wanted to alert you to a major change in the forum. We will no longer be allowing the posting of outgoing links. Please use the attachment feature to attach media to your posts.