
  1. rider

    How to get rid of spam SMSs?

    Heyy, friends. I'm having BSNL Prepaid SIM that I'm using right now, the problem is it gets many spam messages from shops to sell their products. What should I do, please don't recommend me SMS blocker because they use different IDs everytime. I know about DND services but after texting START...
  2. S

    AD Blocker

    Which is the best ad blocker guyz? please post with links. and guyz i am having some probs with bitdefender 08. when i install it ,its firewall blocks the ports for utorrent. exen if i click on allow ports, m on bridge mode so al ports r forwarded. please help. and how is system mechanic 7 pro?
  3. mak1012

    website blocker

    hi guys.... i want to know some free software for adult site blocker. for my desktop to stop browsing those site by my younger....ones. every one who uses my comp they have there own can you please sugest me some good free software... thank you there is no one who knows about...
  4. karnivore

    IE6 Closing For Apparantly No Reason

    Its happening like this. The pages [sites are all legal ones] are opening as usual. But then as i am moving the cursor across the page, IE is giving an error message and eventually closing. :( :( :confused: :confused: When am opening the same sites with FF 2, am having no problem.:? :? These...
  5. N

    Internet Explorer Pop up blocker

    In internet explorer many of us guys noticed that yellow pop-up blocker appear when page contain malicious script. I want to know that how can we get rid of from this pop-up blocker and we can run any page even with malicious script. Is there any software or registry trick? So please...
  6. ApoorvKhatreja

    Ad blocker for Bon Echo v2.0a2

    i read about the ad blocker for firefox in this month's Digit (tips and tricks section). i tried installing it from * but it says that it isn't compatible with Bon Echo v2.0a2. Does anybody know any other ad blocker that works with the latest version of Bon Echo?
  7. S

    How to prevent pages from automatically refreshing in FZ 1.5

    is there any way we can prevent certain websites/pages from automatically refreshing/reloading in firefox 1.5.Tried the Refresh Blocker extension but am not able to save changes in its options and pages continue to refresh automatically.
  8. esumitkumar

    How to access yahoo mail thru firewall?

    Hi I am working in UK...... for a short time but in office there is some firewall or blocker........"Websense" :x which doesn't allow to check any mail client (yahoo, rediff etc)............ Is there any workaround ?? :) TIA Sumit
  9. M

    Plllllllleeeeeeeeessssssseeee hELP ME

    Please help me ,whenever i connect to the net after 10 minutes pop-ups of celebrety uncenssored strats, and nude pop-ups comes to my screen . i have tried to remove it many times but in vain. i know that it is due to e-dialer. it does not get installed in my computer but reinstall its...
  10. T

    Test Your Popup Blocker

    Heres a site that tests your popup blocker by throwing popups of diff types * It would be gr8 if the list is incremented as it was for speed test
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