
  1. Hrishi

    Gaming Laptop Suggestion under 50k INR.

    Hey Digitians , So finally after scrapping my Plans for a Desktop I am going to buy a laptop by this weekend. I don't want a laptop since they have very poor performance compared to the Desktop at same price, but can't afford to keep a desktop due to portability issues. Although , I am not...
  2. S

    Gt 640m le?

    I am planning to buy sony vaio svs15116gnb, I will upgrade the RAM to 8GB after purchase, my main concern is the gpu used in it; since I have heard that 640m LE comes in two variants, one with DDR3 memory and another with GDDR5 memory(and Fermi with die shrink or Kepler). Can anyone confirm what...
  3. S

    a quick comparison of all the GPU's found in current day laptops

    as most of the people get stuck on this part while buying a laptop ive done some research and compared most of the mobile gpus available today. i really hope it helps :) Getting to know your options better.: Nvidia 650m vs 640m vs 630m vs 540m vs ATI 6770m vs 7670m vs 7730m vs Intel 4000
  4. akhilc47

    i5 or i7 for gaming

    Im stuck with dell special edition inspiron 15r i5 and i7 models. I know i7 is much better for multitasking but does it make big difference in gaming? Because I will be playing lot of latest games at medium settings. If not I could save around 5k which I can use to add backlight keyboard 8-)...
  5. shivkumar

    Help Buying a Laptop

    My friend is interested to buy a laptop. Estimated Budget < 50k. We sat and configured Dell Inspiron 640M and it suited him well with dual core, Sata HDD, 512 MR ddr ram DVD writer etc. But recently i read about battery exploding in dell lappy and another problem with display again with dell...
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