
  1. Ronnie11

    2.1 Speakers for my LCD TV Required...Budget about 2500/-

    Hey guys, i am looking for a 2.1 speaker set for my lcd tv....the budget is about 2500/-...basically for music and movies...some of the shortlisted ones were.. F&D A333U 2.1 Multimedia Speakers - F&D: Flipkart.com Sony SRS - D5 2.1 Multimedia Speakers - Sony: Flipkart.com So between F&D and...
  2. tarey_g

    Suggest me a gaming mouse

    Hi All, I need suggestions on purchasing a gaming mouse, I am a leftie :wave: so please just suggest ambidextrous mice. Extra buttons on both sides is a must :razz: budget is upto 2500/- :blink:. I don't need crazy DPI's , anything above 1500 is more than enough forr me.
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