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  1. rahul.ims

    one more puzzle

    hey guys... i know dat for most of u brilliant guys...solving this puzzle is a game of few seconds.....but still its kool to sit and a little time pass for all....for me i haven't solved this yet.....:D extract the file and start playing
  2. rahul.ims


    Most of you must have seen this puzzle...but not all...m posting this as someone sent me this and i really felt it to be pretty kool to solve....:cool: . Same is the thing...i thought of sharing this with you all... Please solve the puzzle and post the time you took to solve the same. You can...
  3. rahul.ims

    what is the diff b/w a file and a dir in Unix

    hi, please lemme know the diff b/w a dir and a file in unix.....all the diff that u may think of :confused:
  4. rahul.ims

    brain cracking puzzle...ne1 dare to solve it...

    Hi, Just click on this link n use ur common sence to navigate. It has 23 pages one after the other, starting from this first Page. The trick is to find a way to go to the next page. If u can really go to the 23rd page ur a genius in ur own respect :) So best of luck n keep clicking, tik...
  5. rahul.ims

    Stronger Rupee = Stronger India

    Let me ask a question first. What type of economic strength is preferable to India? A) A strong Indian economy fueled by its cheap labor due to a weaker rupee against dollar, where the Indians end up working in shifts, late nights, whole nights and what not… only doing low profile jobs which...
  6. rahul.ims

    how to create a digital certificate to fill a online form

    i need to fill up the IT-return online and for the same i need to have a digital certificate.. folks wake up and tell me a way to create the same with put any investment..:eek:
  7. rahul.ims

    which laptop shud i go for

    i'm planning 2 buy a new laptop... which one shud i go 4 i'm planning to go for dell...but not sure which one whether latitude or inspiron.. if ne one has ne other suggestion then please go ahead...:cool:
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