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  1. M

    [SOLVED] Antivirus for My window 98 SE! :)

    Hello! I have an old pc with windows 98 SE installed in it. Well the config here is:- Pentium Dual core 925 @ 3.0Ghz Mobo:-ASUS P5VDCMX Ram :- Kingston 2gb DDR2 HDD:- Sandisk 160Gb. I love windows 98 so i dont want to migrate to XP. Can you suggest a good antivirus for it?? (No matter if its...
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    buying a new phone

    Or else you can wait a bit for as there are news of some releases of new mobiles (rumered that there might be tegra 3 in a short while...)
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    Very High End Gaming PC assembly

    have you considered the current Core i7 2700k?
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    2.1 Speaker in 2k

    You can go for this too:- Iball Tarang 2.1 Speaker (Wooden) with speakers with bill | eBay I ball Tarang.
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    Graphic Card Overclock List and Discussion

    Well this is my brothers. GPU:- AMD Radeon HD 6570 2GB Manufacturer:- Saphire GPU Stock:-600 GPU Overclocked:-675 vram type:- GDDR3 vram stock sped:- 800Mhz vram overclocked:- 950Mhz Cooler:- Stock Software used:-AMD Vision Engine Control Center
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    Post your 3DMark Results in Here

    Can you help me guys? 3D Mark 06 says that i have CHEATED so my results are not displayed! :( i didnt do anythink like that! I just overclocked my processor !
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    i5 2400 or Amd Phenom ii x6 1090T?

    sORRY! But the 32nm are good.!:lol:
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    DSLR around 30-35K

    hmm............. Dont you think 550D is too old? maybe you can try the 5100D with kit lense Or a D3100. Dont fall in for megapixels.... Go for the quality of sensor
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    Hardware price list/spec sheet

    see this guys! Junglee: 7970
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    Need cabinate lighting stuff well what you can do is to buy a cabinet or some led fans.... i am still confused about that ligting stuff............
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    what's important, gpu or cpu....???

    How about amd fx 6core +amd 69xx series? :)
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    lappy for 60k-65k

    hmm.......... Take the dell! it has the best service! :) How about an alienware m11x ?(from dell)
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    RAM for DH55TC.

    I dont think you should do that.The company itself says that it can handle 1333/1066 Mhz. The old generation CANNOT handle 1600mhz. Well the best think you can try is borrow a 1600Mhz ram and try in you board.(Mostly Core i3 wont support it...............)
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    new to android ,please help me in buying one (budget 17-30k)

    Galaxy S-I is still a nice performer.... If u love music,Then sony Erricson LIVE is for you!(14K) But do consider the WP7.5 Phone Samsung Omnia W (20K)
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    Using Laptop While Charging

    Well I suggest not to.Any fluctuation in your electricity can lead to disaster.Why do you think we should not use mobiles while charging? :)
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    [Query] need URGENT help fixing my fan - ordered from theitdepot

    No glue can stick and give you the performance that the fan has.Better talk to itdepot.
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    upgrade question

    Well i use a 800w PSU and have a descent gt550 graphics. I don't matter how much power it takes,i am in such a hurry that i need a fast paced processor.
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    i5 2400 or Amd Phenom ii x6 1090T?

    Well do consider looking the bulldozer series too..................... I would recommend the AMD X6 (either 1100t or 1090t) or the AMD fx 6100 (if possible 8120). Also,The i5 and AMD fx series are 32nm (better) while the x6 is the power hungry 45nm processing (not good). Personally...
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    Gaming prob

    hmm....a 5670?. Try another graphics card and check it.And dont forget the PSU. Which games do you play?
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    NO DISPLAY! Pls help...

    First test if the monitor works at ur friends house. If yes,then try another graphics card (borrow it). If it still doesnt work,then try changing ur PSU . This may help you out...
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