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  1. rajsujayks

    How to make the program produce the required output..?

    Tried... But it doesn't seem to work..Something else is wrong I guess... NO! NO! It works...! Thanks a lot..! :) I fumbled with the code for about 2 hours and got it...! I always love that feeling.. ! Thank YOU!! :smile:
  2. rajsujayks

    How to make the program produce the required output..?

    I want to get the input and output as in the files attached. This is my code: //Employee Details... //Execution syntax : "ProgramName InputFile OutputFile" //Input File should contain grade and name of employee //separated by a tab with one record per line.. #include <stdio.h> #include...
  3. rajsujayks

    Why does this C program crash on compilation?

    Lots of thanks..! :) I'm a dud... I had been using the old build (the one I did before you corrected my program..) to check up... Hee..hee.. :mrgreen: Now I got it.. :) Thank You Again... Thanks.. :)
  4. rajsujayks

    Sissy way to play FPS games

    God Mode in FarCry... With all those trigens in place... GTA series always with cheats... (The game isn't fun without cheats..) No cheats and always top difficulty for all other games...!
  5. rajsujayks

    Why does this C program crash on compilation?

    Changed that... But still it doesn't seem to compile properly.. It still crashes... Upon trial and error, if I comment out all statements from f2=fopen(argv[2],"r");, it compiles without crashing...So the problem must lie there...But what is it..??
  6. rajsujayks

    Why does this C program crash on compilation?

    This program is supposed to read a list of numbers from two files and combine and sort the lists and generate an output file with it. The program is to be invoked from the command line, with the syntax: X:\> prg_name file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt where prg_name is the name of the program...
  7. rajsujayks

    ** Post all your BSNL Broadband Related Queries Here **

    LOL! I'm one of those...! I get 200~220kBps (approx. 1.76Mbps) regularly... Not only friend (and others using UL750 in our area) gets the same.. When my friend contacted BSNL, they said it was normal as the plan is a minimum of 512kbps and maximum can go above... Wonder what happened...
  8. rajsujayks

    BSOD in Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Thanks...Problem was with Smart ended improperly and hence the BSOD.. Now it's fine.. :) No Manju..PSU's fine.. No problems even at Maximum load.. :)
  9. rajsujayks

    bsnl broadband/internet sugesstion

    From what you all say, it's pretty clear that BSNL doesn't follow any standards... If you're lucky, you might get what you want (and more!)... Else it's your fate..! My friend who's got BB500 plan gets ~250kBps effortlessly (in torrents!) and more at times...! But that plan is unlimited only...
  10. rajsujayks

    bsnl broadband/internet sugesstion

    Speed Test Done Now! How's that?? :nanananana:
  11. rajsujayks

    bsnl broadband/internet sugesstion

    Not possible..? What say me, my friend in the same vicinity and another friend nearby all getting this speed: This in UL750...! Not only us... Many in Coimbatore get this... First we thought it was due to the modem...But later we ruled it out as few other guys with the same modem and...
  12. rajsujayks

    bsnl broadband/internet sugesstion

    UL750 is what I recommend... You get 512kbps unlimited and if you're one of those lucky folks, you might even get 1.6+Mbps all the time... (Seems if you are near BSNL exchange, and if your place has a lot of business centres, so lot of GOOD QUALITY LINES, you'll get these awesome speeds...)
  13. rajsujayks

    BSOD in Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    No new hardware added... PSU's fine... Even at max load.. It's DELL branded... And strangely, it's been three days since I got the BSOD... (I got it frequently over three or four days...Now nothing!)
  14. rajsujayks

    BSOD in Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    If that's what you meant asingh, I could only find 3 logs so far, 'cause only 3 BSOD's (of the same kind) have come up for me. I'm attaching them here. Attachments: Minidump.7z - File Shared from - Free Online File Storage
  15. rajsujayks

    BSOD in Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I don't get you..What 5...?
  16. rajsujayks

    BSOD in Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Recently, I'm getting BSODs in my OS... I'm attaching the dump file..Can anyone please help me solve them...? Attachment: 042111-20342-01.7z - File Shared from - Free Online File Storage
  17. rajsujayks

    suggest Graphic Card under 10K for animation purpose.

    I'm currently using an nVidia ASUS ENGTS450 (1GB)... Am very happy with it's performance...Rendering is very quick too... (I did some Adobe Premiere movies...and also regularly use MediaCoder...) I got it for Rs.8K a month back... Now with the GTS 550Ti around the corner, you might as well go...
  18. rajsujayks

    Any use for an "almost dead" 8600GT...?

    I had an nVidia 8600GT 256MB which suddenly went "kaput" (distorted displays..) after serving faithfully for 3 years at ~88° C... I replaced it with an nVidia GTS 450 (ASUS ENGTS450)... Now I have the old 8600GT lying around...Does it have any use...? I mean I'm a CSE student and the...
  19. rajsujayks

    Turbo C/C++ and other junk compilers help, discussions and queries here

    Re: turbo c not working on windows 7 Turbo C will run in Windows 7 32-bit perfectly...But not in Windows 7 64-bit unless you use an emulator like DOSBOX!
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