Kubernetes, Docker Related Queries Here


The Slowest One
Hi Everyone,
We can discuss Cloud Computing related topics here. Lets continue the discussion here.

Following course covers basics, is free for 3 months on Edx. After that, people can pick a good paid resource which dives deeper in topics on other platform.

@Gollum @bubusam13 @RumbaMon19 @Desmond


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Nice. I was studying Kubernetes before joining my current company but then I learned they use Amazon ECS, so I abandoned it. Might pick it up again sometime.

I can see the appeal of ECS, it's much simpler than Kubernetes though less flexible. Good enough for most use cases however.


The Slowest One
Ah! I thought ECS was using Kubernetes internally!
I should put more effort into learning Cloud Tech, sighs


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
ECS is also an orchestrator, like Kubernetes. But it's much more simplified.

IMO Kubernetes is much more flexible, you can fine tune the resources you create and you can even extend it's functionality using CRDs. But that adds a lot of complexity as well. So, you will have to justify taking up that level of complexity depending on the setup you are going for.

You technically don't need to know much about the cloud services to get into Kubernetes or similar container orchestration. You will however need to know Docker very well. So, I'd suggest learning Docker fully before even thinking of learning Kubernetes.


I would like to differ a bit. If the job is to manage K8s clusters, in depth docker is not required. Knowledge of cluster network, security and storage is more important. If you are a developer, developing apps for micro services and want to package them in a container, you can go in-depth with containers.

But anyway, I would suggest if someone wants to stay relevant in the micro services job market, knowledge of K8s, docker and open-shift will be of huge advantage.

To begin with, I would suggest course by Mumshad Mannambeth on Udemy. This guys also owns KodeKloud edtech website.

(Side note: Tech is so rapidly developing and becoming so much exciting everyday, many a time I get confused which path to choose, microservices, data, AI/ML, or move to entirely different domain like drones, robotics. What a good time for a enjoyable career for a tech enthusiastic. )


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
IMO, orchestration and stuff is a bit too advanced and requires some base. At least pick up Docker and Swarm as starters.


Hi Everyone,
We can discuss Cloud Computing related topics here. Lets continue the discussion here.

Following course covers basics, is free for 3 months on Edx. After that, people can pick a good paid resource which dives deeper in topics on other platform.

@Gollum @bubusam13 @RumbaMon19 @Desmond
Thanks for this. I'll look into it. Most of the terms in the above posts are new to me and suggestions/discussions in this thread is something I was looking for.
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