Recent content by un

  1. U

    Pendrive & Format Blues!!

    I have MP3+USB+FM Pen drive of 512MB capcity. While copying the data from computer to pendrive, the process stopped due to insufficent space in pendrive. But some files of 253 mb was created, for which I'm unable to delete it. So I formated the pendrive thru MY Computer- Format Dialog box...
  2. U

    Video editing Suggestions please

    Try Xilisoft Video Converter
  3. U

    MS ACCESS & Query

    thanx it_waaznt_me & emanym Your suggestion worked...
  4. U

    MS ACCESS & Query

    Pls assist me in building query for this sample table "CONTACT" Field 1: NAME Field 2: ADDRESS Field 3: PHONE Field 4: Email The MS-Query shall have give all the rows(Name, address, & phone) where I had tried to build a query, but does not returns more than one rows with...
  5. U

    Required help in setting up database for webportal

    Yes, geekysage. 1. Plz give direct to some links whr I can find stuffs on PHP-mySql. 2. Thanks for second issue.
  6. U

    Required help in setting up database for webportal

    Thanks, geekysage, vandit. However my assignment is not create a forum, my requirment is user can enable the data to this account and can see the details whenever he requires and no user can see others data. [/b]
  7. U

    Required help in setting up database for webportal

    Thanks, geekysage, vandit. However my assignment is not create a forum, my requirment is user can enable the data to this account and can see the details whenever he requires and no user can see others data. [/b]
  8. U

    Required help in setting up database for webportal

    I have 2 issues, hope forum helps me in resolving it.... 1. For a academic project assignment, I plan to create a webportal, wherein our classmates can create a their usr id and pwd & login in member area, which enables to them to enter thier profile & also enables them to update it later...
  9. U

    RPC stub - or the hell

    Earlier I had a same problem: Check out my thread: *
  10. U


    Yah! mine drive is e:/, but.... How can generalise it! That means, I want to cd to autorun in any of my friend computer.
  11. U


    But, C:/ corresponds to harddisk, I want to open CD Drive.[/b]
  12. U


    I want to create cd with autorun feature,for which I need have created a flash movie & exported to exe format, that should autorun, which I succeed However I want to know create a link in the flash movie, so that when clicked, the windows explorer(CD DRIVE) opens showing the contents of cd...
  13. U

    pop ups

    Also Yahoo Tool Bar, with spyware block & popup blocks works well. I had installed it & it succesful blocked popups, Install it from[/b]
  14. U

    problem wt an epson stylus printer

    What is recharge???? How to do it???
  15. U

    problem wt an epson stylus printer

    I'm also using Epson 43SX, to my knowledge it's not possible to use printer, if any of catridge is empty.
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