Recent content by ~Phenom~

  1. ~Phenom~

    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    logged in after a long time ... good to see this thread live and kicking :-) Movie Name:Once upon a time in Mumbai Language:Hindi Genre: Crime/Drama/Romance
  2. ~Phenom~

    Help: Buying Wireless Router

    D Link N series will be good.
  3. ~Phenom~

    Happy Birthday to Shantanu, Smit, Rockstar, Tarun and Vivek

    Happy Bday guys. :-)
  4. ~Phenom~

    FS : Corsair 4 GB Voyager Pen Drive for Rs 615 /-

    I am getting corsair 8 GB for Rs. 800 from Nehru Place new delhi.
  5. ~Phenom~

    Baba Ramdev v/s Google Chrome !!

    Lol... Preaching Yoga to the g33ks. :-)
  6. ~Phenom~

    "How Office 2007 "Exposed" Bill Gates"

    +1000 :)
  7. ~Phenom~

    C, C++, Python training institutes in mumbai

    where to learn Python in Delhi ??? please help ... I and some of my company members want to learn Python soon for a new project. please suggest some institues/books/etc.
  8. ~Phenom~

    Python Query Thread

    where to learn Python in Delhi ??? please help ... I and some of my company members want to learn Python soon for a new project. please suggest some institues/books/etc.
  9. ~Phenom~

    BSNL to start 3G services by Dec. 08

  10. ~Phenom~

    Happy Birthday Mehul uncle, torrent, jyotirupam, seoxpert

    Happy Bday Mehul.
  11. ~Phenom~

    Post Ur Feelings.

    bored and sad . My job sucks.
  12. ~Phenom~

    wrestler hitting himself

    haha, I think most of us know that its fake . :)
  13. ~Phenom~

    Govt releases 3G services rules and guidelines

    Is your iDEA postpaid ???? I have prepaid and dont know of any such offer(600 UL offer). please reply as i need it urgently.
  14. ~Phenom~

    linux n mysql

    LOAD DATA INFILE "filename.txt" INTO TABLE tablename FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; Modify it to suit your needs. And, in ubuntu the filename.txt should be placed in /var/lib/mysql/your_db_name or where mysql is installed.
  15. ~Phenom~

    Robots hidden in Firefox 3

    nice :-)
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