Checklist after getting Laptop: GOT MY LAPTOP
^^ lol..
i think he has got the lappy, but since he got so excited with it, he forgot to

absolutely true ashu....
i finally got my laptop last satuarday(15th Nov) ...last 2 days just exploring it(in between i had my cat exam too..).....a detailed review is on the way....but a few quick points......
1: 1st impression was 'wow! this is a bit heavy' but its ok for me as i use it as a desktop replacement....
2: 1st hand experiance with Vista... it was ok not bad as i thought...but dell has loaded a lot of crap....
3: wifi, bluetooth, keypads work smoothly... horisontal and vertical scrollers are a pain!!!
4: screen is beautiful...
5: with moderate use battery gives 3-3.5 hrs....
Currently i have :
C drive(arnd 280gb) - vista+ dell crap + MyData(approx 40gb right now)
D drive(10gb) - Dell media direct
What i want :
C drive - vista+ dell drivers installed
D drive - XP
E - MyData
Can we do it without losing or backing up data and reinstalling vista and XP and removing the dell crap incl dell media direct?
what is the step by step procedure?