God of Mistakes...
gx_saurav said:And they don't charge for support?
Don't M$ then ??
And Ravi,
I think kids don't need to play games which need DirectX to play! U might needed it. But all kids are not as smart as you!
gx_saurav said:And they don't charge for support?
Secondly, NO wonder your knowledge is so utterly poor, because I guess you spend more time playing games while in the classroom
Don't M$ then ??
WHY ??? :Obad move
MS charges, so does Linux for support, so why do u say MS is evil but Linux isn't.
Why do u always take MS in the wrong sense. They have a product, they are teaching the kids how to use it, program for it, etc etc
Since Linux also has this, Linux should also teach kids the same thing.
Schools should teach both.
But linux is a whole community, every move it makes benefits everyone and not just one company and it's not about the money.
Linux is Democracy, Windows is Dictatorship.
Nothing better to describe the difference between them!
If Microsoft were to give Windows licences for free to schools and their students, under a special licensing scheme, the "cost factor" would not be an issue.
I ask you, is it wrong to make money?
Going Open Source saves R & D cost of any company, this is the primary reason for any co
inux users get to use Linux but they still need to buy ATI card to use it....who is winning here???? users or ATI???
WHY ??? :O
Any reason to say it's bad ?? Please let us know yaar...
cout << " A person trained in both Lin and Win kicks the arse out of the [b]Lin Only[/b] anywhere and everywhere"
There is a hell lot of a difference between, "it's just about the money" and "it's about the money"
As far as what I believe, there is a slight un-notice-able ethical difference between OSS software companies and Linux, don't confuse both.
AFAIK - NO !!!hey can some one explain the FOSS ??
Some FOSS expert please enlighten this thing !
Can something licensed under GPL/GNU thing be used for commercial purposes or not ??
PS : Say Yes or No, Links with pages and paragraphs to be considered bad answers !
So, Linux is good....but making money through Linux is bad, so isn't Read Hat as evil as Microsoft? Red hat only supports RPM officially in Fedora, why can't they give the user a choice & let him use deb only system.
There is a hell lot of a difference between, "it's just about the money" and "it's about the money"