Game of Thrones / ASoIaF - USE SPOILER TAG!!


Cyborg Agent
Did GOT pull a LOST ? The TV series LOST was the most disappointing TV experience for me, with complete retardation of later seasons. Has Got done the same ? I don't watch GOT. But my cousin told me how last seasons of got were bad, plot holes, unanswered questions


Movie Buff
Did GOT pull a LOST ? The TV series LOST was the most disappointing TV experience for me, with complete retardation of later seasons. Has Got done the same ? I don't watch GOT. But my cousin told me how last seasons of got were bad, plot holes, unanswered questions

I never watched LOST....But GOT was awesome.,
They can't satisfy everyone...So always loophole will be there...Then only they carry all to next sequel or prequel, again will be sucess.,


Aspiring Novelist
All I can say about both Lost and GoT is that both are more about the journey than the destination. :p
:D :D :D
If anyone yet to watch, I would suggest 'em to watch till 70th episode and imagine whatever they want to instead of watching the last 3 and get disappointed.
Don't know how long it's gonna take for GRRM to write the last two books. But going by what show runners say, the ending is gonna be almost exactly the same.
Heard they shot multiple ending, I wonder what the other endings would be. (But Maisie funnily said that they don't have enough budget to shoot multiple endings about a year ago in a talk show)
I mean like Jon Snow
Red woman is gone and the other guy who revived a guy 6 times is gone as well in the last season beyond the wall while trying to bring a wight to show to Cersei that the army of dead is real. May be a someone new from Essos?


Cyborg Agent
So always loophole will be there...
its not about some loopholes , but about starting some intriguing mysterious stories and then just ignoring them. talking about LOST - it started mysterious, fascinating , full of wonder and questions and then just went shit. Fist half was like harry potter and second half was kal ho na ho.


Movie Buff
:D :D :D
If anyone yet to watch, I would suggest 'em to watch till 70th episode and imagine whatever they want to instead of watching the last 3 and get disappointed.
Don't know how long it's gonna take for GRRM to write the last two books. But going by what show runners say, the ending is gonna be almost exactly the same.
Heard they shot multiple ending, I wonder what the other endings would be. (But Maisie funnily said that they don't have enough budget to shoot multiple endings about a year ago in a talk show)

Red woman is gone and the other guy who revived a guy 6 times is gone as well in the last season beyond the wall while trying to bring a wight to show to Cersei that the army of dead is real. May be a someone new from Essos?

In Season 06 - Episode 05 - The Door
"Daenerys Stormborn is the one who was promised. From the fire, she was reborn to remake the world ... "

Dragon picked up Daenerys' lifeless body and flew off. East towards Volantis, according to Samwell Tarly.
High Priestess Kinvara will resurrect Daenerys...Maybe like similar to how Melisandre brought Jon Snow back to life.


Aspiring Novelist
In Season 06 - Episode 05 - The Door
"Daenerys Stormborn is the one who was promised. From the fire, she was reborn to remake the world ... "
Dragon picked up Daenerys' lifeless body and flew off. East towards Volantis, according to Samwell Tarly.
High Priestess Kinvara will resurrect Daenerys...Maybe like similar to how Melisandre brought Jon Snow back to life.
If she comes back, Jon is dead :D :D :D and Winterfell will face the same fate as the Red Keep.
She will burn pretty much everyone from Sansa to Bran to Tyrion maybe not Arya coz she wouldn't find her in Westros.


Movie Buff
If she comes back, Jon is dead :D :D :D and Winterfell will face the same fate as the Red Keep.
She will burn pretty much everyone from Sansa to Bran to Tyrion maybe not Arya coz she wouldn't find her in Westros.

Nope, Dragon also not intended to kill, that's why left with a Daenerys body...Maybe again some other twist will happen.,


Aspiring Novelist
I don't even remotely expecting they would continue the story from here. This is the closure and it's bad. Don't keep your fingers crossed.

Expect something along the lines of how people came to Westros. Origin of White walkers. Story of Children of Forest.
And why it took a decade for the white walkers to march south of the wall ;)


Aspiring Novelist
if you are looking for closure, after GRRM releases TWOW, you can start reading the books.
It's not gonna happen anytime soon, I guess. And I am not fan of reading. He is still writing the sixth and the closure will be in the seventh. If I remember right, he said he would start only after finishing the sixth.
GoT show runners said that the book ending will be almost exactly the same. The way he's gonna say it in the book would be different and probably better than the TV series.


The books have a lot more detail and are way more open ended than the show. GRRM's influence was felt at most till Season 6, afterwards, its all D&D.
TWOW should be coming soon though, feel like 2019 is it for TWOW.


Movie Buff
I don't even remotely expecting they would continue the story from here. This is the closure and it's bad. Don't keep your fingers crossed.

Expect something along the lines of how people came to Westros. Origin of White walkers. Story of Children of Forest.

Yeah, After all, prequels finished...again may be a chance.


Movie Buff
if you are looking for closure, after GRRM releases TWOW, you can start reading the books.

I am not bookworm...Can't read with patience...It will a headache for me.,
Again they some loophole will be left in TWOW...So, let's see after... A Dream of Spring.,


Movie Buff
ok fine,
Rome -22 Episodes
Spartacus - 6+34
Will start with at least one.,

OMG, Vikings still now 90 Episodes...When will end?

Just finished Rome 9 Episodes...

Lookalike pure family drama, no tense and thrill each and every episodes...somewhat quite going without any headache...Compare to GOT only 50% scored.

Anyway will finish this series quietly.,


Sith Lord
Staff member
^@shreeux, one good series is Pillars of the Earth, it is not fantasy, but medieval drama and pretty cool. Less tits and dragons, much more history and reality. Many aspects of ASOIAF was heavily inspired by POE.

There is another series apart from the prequel set in the time of the age of heroes for GOT, it is called Empire of Ash, and it sounds epic. It is like ancient Rome, but all the families have dragons. That is the one I'm looking forward to.


Movie Buff
^@shreeux, one good series is Pillars of the Earth, it is not fantasy, but medieval drama and pretty cool. Less tits and dragons, much more history and reality. Many aspects of ASOIAF was heavily inspired by POE.

Thanks, It's already in my list.,

There is another series apart from the prequel set in the time of the age of heroes for GOT, it is called Empire of Ash, and it sounds epic. It is like ancient Rome, but all the families have dragons. That is the one I'm looking forward to.

Great, How long take will end...Then only I start to watch to finish in a single stretch. Until then will keep in watchlist.,
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