It's true Im not confused
Actually the avatar also looks confused
Actually the avatar also looks confused

Imma human. Cyborgs are stupid![]()
<p align="center"><a href="*">
<img src="*" width="240" height="180" alt="Biomechanical Artificial Sabotage and Scientific Assassination Machine" border="0"></a>
<br /><a href="*"><small>Get Your Cyborg Name</small></a></p>
Doing it ze harrrd way:
Right-click ze image, click Prrroperties, copy ze location of ze image. Now go to ze quick rrreply area and click ze button to inserrrt image, zen paste ze copied location into eet.
You now owe me $5 for zis tutorrrial. Deposit ze money in my Paypal account. Muchos grrracias!![]()