Your preferred/using OS

Your major OS

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Adam young
both windows 7 and ubuntu.when i boot in to ubuntu it looks better to me than windows 7 and when i boot in to windows 7 it looks better than ubuntu:grin:.but i still love ubuntu's start up and shutdown time.its awesome.
i think game should start to support linux then the above graph may turn upside down.


@doomgiver, gameranand : Its my mistake mateys, I too use ubuntu and find it far more easier to get with... but during schooling, they incorporate the use of windows to the students in my days and in these days too i hope...This was my actual idea.

BTW, i tried Opensolaris when it came on the digit dvd once.. its clear as ubuntu and with gnome like desktop interface.. anyone tried it?


I think the Windows users should also mention whether its licensed or not.

Maybe in the form of -

Licensed - Y/N

BTW I am using XP Home

Licensed - Y

Will soon move to Linux. Trying it now.

Will request all the above posters to edit their posts and include the license part.


Living to Play
techani said:
Will request all the above posters to edit their posts and include the license part.
Dude that would make most of us pirates and Piracy talk is not allowed here so its a bad idea real bad idea.
Anish said:
BTW, i tried Opensolaris when it came on the digit dvd once.. its clear as ubuntu and with gnome like desktop interface.. anyone tried it?
Yeah I have tried it. Very good OS but not as good as Ubuntu IMO. But it does have a damn good file system. I mean you can go back to previous state in no time and without restart whatsoever. That file system is best other than that its just normal.


The Power of x480
Staff member
I think the Windows users should also mention whether its licensed or not.

Maybe in the form of -

Licensed - Y/N

BTW I am using XP Home

Licensed - Y

Will soon move to Linux. Trying it now.

Will request all the above posters to edit their posts and include the license part.

Yeah... nice Idea buddy ! :lol: No... Really!! :|

Btw.. are you some pirate inspector ?? :enforcer:


I have used Ubuntu, Linux Mint(presently using), Fedora, OpenSuse, PCLOS & Mandriva. Desperately looking for Fedora 15.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Installed the first Ubuntu system at my office today. Its the 10.04 LTS and man, its awesome!!! Installed Wine in minutes and installed Lotus SmartSuite 9.8 (this software dated back to 2001!!!), APS Corporate 2000++ (a hindi software), our home bred accounting software - all Windows only software - without any issues. Connecting to other windows share was a breeze and the installation part was over just FAST!!

I think Linux rocks. Now if only a gaming PC can be built around it...


Super Moderator
Staff member
Currently using Xp and Win7 x64 both and running different linux distros ( if I like one ) on VMware and my major OS votes goes to windows. ;-)


Living to Play
Skud said:
I think Linux rocks. Now if only a gaming PC can be built around it...
Actually you can run many games made for windows on linux too using Wine. I prefer softwares provided for linux to do most of my work. I mean you have alternative for about everything on linux app center. You have a decent graphics card so you can try running windows games on linux using wine but for me its a pain because I don't have a powerful card.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ hmmm... will give it a shot when the next version of Mint comes out.


Legend Never Ends
Mint is good. I prefer Ubuntu more.
But the desktop backgrounds of Mint are better.

P.S- I am linux beginner


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think the advantage of Mint is that its default software base is better than Ubuntu. I think VLC, flash, java, adobe reader etc. are installed by default in Mint.


Living to Play
Skud said:
I think the advantage of Mint is that its default software base is better than Ubuntu. I think VLC, flash, java, adobe reader etc. are installed by default in Mint.
Also the audio and video codecs are already there so you don't have to download the codecs to play media files.
But still for some reasons I prefer Ubuntu.
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