Windows Explorer vs Mac OS X Finder

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You gave been GXified
Lolz....public defeat. Surrender to the borg....I had no idea you will feel so embarrassed after pwnage. You are not even replying ot the questions I ask about How to change icon spacing in finder or how to group multiple things together in dock

You can. Either drag the file out of the window or press 'Command + Up' (which is the better option).

I just checked this, Dragged the drag pile out of the finder window & i got the original folder, this isn't what i wanted to ask. I asked "How do i go one folder up or one folder back"

arya said:
Dragging stuff (such as text, links and images) from webpages directly onto the Finder without going through the 'Save As...' routine.
See this is why I told you to see the eye opener videos for which u act ignorant :D. We can drag Images, URL & text from webpages directly to the explorer.

Dragging an Image from IE 7 to Photoshop

Dragging a piece of text from IE 7 to Word 2007

Dragging an image from IE 7 to Explorer Desktop

Dragging a URL link from IE 7 to explorer Desktop

07. Smart aliases. (The shortcuts in Windows are dumb.)
Dumb in what sense? When you make a shortcut of something & then change the location of the original file, on starting the shortcut it automatically searches for the new location of file or you can simply browse to the new location. This feature has been there in Windows since Windows 2000.

08. Adding applications to the toolbar. (You can add an application you frequently use and drop files onto the icon to open them with that application.)
Drag the file to quicklaunch icons.

09. Simple view. (A basic view without the fancy options. Very useful.)
It was there in Windows XP. You can still remove the details pane in Vista.

10. Dragging folders from the toolbar.
I wonder how is this a feature.

11. Resizing the sidebar. (It proportionately increases and decreases the size of the icons.)
You can resize the sidebar in Explorer too, but it won't change the icon size.

12. Dragging files/folders from the Finder into navigation dialog boxes (such as the Open and Save dialogs) to directly navigate to that position.
Simply click on the breadcrubm bar to navigate to wherever you like from any Dialog box like open or save

14. Previewing Adobe's document formats (without installing anything else).
Just PDF & PSD in Finder. Sorry, MS cannot provide support for these without installing Adobe Products.

16. Long names of items are better truncated.
You mean this? How does finder makes it better? Does it truncates names in Butter & cheese.


The file which is selected shows full name.
17. Have a particular file always open with a particular application without affecting the other files with that extension.
Right click -> Open With....

19. Though not a feature of the Finder, the Dock is better for launching applications than the 'Quick Launch' area of the taskbar.
Quick launch is not for launching applications.

23. Pressing 'Command' and leaving a file aligns it to grid (without having to turn the option on for every file in the folder).
Right click in explorer Windows -> Arrange icons or Sort by or Stack by.....

30. AppleScript and Automator support.
Windows Shell Script

34. You can even relocate and rename busy files in the Finder.
On Windows it depends on what application r u using. Just an eye opener for you. Try playing a file in Windows Media player & then delete that file. WMP will still play it.

You better remove the following misleading things from your post & add the cons of finder too, like no icon spacing, no dock grouping of similar windows, no resize of Windows from any side, no address bar etc etc etc.
24. Hot corners. The corners of the screen can be set to trigger events such as Exposé, the Dashboard and screensaver.
Yup, TopDesk & Switcher & many other applications do this cos Windows Explorer supports it

anyway, goobi I think you forgot to read something. Both the Windows XP .ICO format & Mac OS X .ICNS format support 24bit colour with 8 bit alpha channel. It is just up to the designer to make it. Take a look at those thousands of beautiful icon packs available on wincustomise or deviantart.
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The Devil's Advocate
arre arya bhai kahe muu lag rahe ho .... os x does nothing spectacular its an os which is still an infant as far as windows is concerned ;)

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Windows Shell Scripts

Well here's a simply shell script i've written in JScript . Here's what it does:
1.It opens notepad
2. Then types the text in the variable "toType"
3. Then it sends they key combination {CTRL}+S to save the file
4. Then it types out the File Name specified in the fileName Variable
5. Then it sends the {ENTER} key to finally save the file

To run this file , save it with a ".js" extension n then double click it
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
// Launch Notepad
//Wait  One Second for Notepad to Start
//Variable to store what to type
var toType = "Hey , this is what WSH can do";
for(var i = 0 ; i < toType.length ; i++)
//Timme gap in ms between keystrokes
var fileName = "WSH.txt";
for(i = 0 ; i < fileName.length ; i++)
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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Kenshin said:
^^^ coooooooollll u rrrrrrr

wat more thing we can do with this...can we close a app at sum specific time..and then shutdown....i really wanted my utorrent to close at 3AM and then pc to shut down....
yups u can do anything that a normal user can do with WSH , it is in fact a way to script the shell with which the user interacts . yes u can easily write a WSH script to shutdown ur pc at 3AM .

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Kenshin said:
can u link me sum tutorial....i really wanna do seems fun..:)

i Recommend u use JScript instead of VBScript for all your scripting tasks :)


In the zone
sakumar79 said:
Please explain to me the steps involved in moving many files from one source folder (say, your basic download folder) into various folders (music, wallpapers, videos, etc). I did not say that it will be difficult, but I felt that it will be easier with windows than with mac... I know how I do it in windows... So, I am requesting you to elaborate how it is done with mac so that I can judge which will be better with me...
and using magic folders widget makes organising files way too easy.


@gx, Right Click->Open with... will give two options: open the file with a non-default app once, or change the setting so that all files of the same extension open with a new default app... What aryayush wants to say is that he wants only that particular file to be associated with a different default apps, but other files of the same extension to continue to be associated with the old default... This may be slightly useful. For example, by default, your .doc file will be a Word Document... Occasionally, you may get a .doc file that is actually a older wordstar file (not sure if wordstar is correct, but one of the older word processors used the .doc extension and opening it in Word by default would give garbled character). He would want to associate that .doc file alone to be opened with a different software and other doc files with Word... In this sense, it is a useful feature, but to what extent will vary from one individual to another...

@aryayush, I cant pull a gx on you because I dont have access to a Mac here... To be frank, I am a heavy Windows user, and even if I decide to go for a Mac, it wont be in the near future... My main problem is this... I work for my Dad's office, and we have about 15 computers (from old 386 to new machines). All the new machines are based on the cheaper Sempron proccy and we use a lot of windows based (structural engineering) software, so switching to mac at the office is probably out of the question... At home, I use the computer for three main things - gaming, internet browsing and office work... For two of the three, windows is better. For browsing, I am using Opera and very satisfied with it... Planning to try out Safari a bit later after Beta is over and stable release comes out. But from what you say in the other Safari thread, it is not as good as its Mac version... However, dont think that because I am not going to change to Mac any time soon, you dont need to explain anything to me... Among my relatives and friends, I am often consulted for computer-related purchases... So, if I feel that Mac will serve them better, I will definitely recommend it to them...



In the zone
it seems that the size of details pane can also be changed. simply rt click (near the left hand icon) and select between three sizes, small, medium and large. quite useful :)


You gave been GXified
blackleopard92 said:
it seems that the size of details pane can also be changed. simply rt click (near the left hand icon) and select between three sizes, small, medium and large. quite useful :)
Not only that, simply drag it to increse the vertical size too....such as Uber Size :D

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You gave been GXified
Another small or big flaw in Mac OS X & Finder.

In Windwos Explorer, I can simply right click on an image & select "Set as desktop background". Done.

In Finder there is no such way. You have to either go to control panel & from there change or right click on the desktop & select "Change desktop background". Then give the folder path & select the image to set as wallpaper.

Windows Explorer is far convinient. :)

For some ignorant users who say that Windows Explorer cannot show preview of video, audio etc with words like "No chance in hell". Well, guess what...I already proved that it does, & how easy it is to implement this feature for more file formats.

Right now, Windows Vista support many file formats in preview out of the box. I am myself using PDF preview & PSD preview too. But these plugins are not yet official from Adobe & are made by other developers.

Here is a screenshot of my Explorer with a PDF file in preview.


Download if you use Adobe Reader 8.1

Download if you use Foxit PDF Reader

Similarly you can preview PSD Files too in Vista


Hmm..have the Macboys quit.? Wonder where is arya with his reply according to this statement.

arya said:
Look, I have been severely mistaken before but I think you really are inquisitive about how a Mac works. If you are seriously interested, I'm going to solve all your doubts. My only request is, please do not pull another gx_saurav on me!

I forgot to mention.

Windows Explorer even supports videos as wallpapers. You can set any video as a wallpaper with Windows Vista Ultimate & Windows Dreamscene
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 Macboy
^^ For a good amount of CPU cycles I might add

As for using Quartz compositions on the Mac desktop (which are rendered 1:1 pixel mapping) use hardly 5% of CPU which is even dual core optimized.


You gave been GXified
^^^^ umm...not quite

If you are using mpg or wmv file as the video, then CPU just decodes the video while GPU renders it on screen.

If you are using Stardock's free Dreamscene then there is hardly any CPU involved, & it stops if you have some other window on top


In the zone
gx_saurav said:
^^^^ umm...not quite

If you are using mpg or wmv file as the video, then CPU just decodes the video while GPU renders it on screen.

If you are using Stardock's free Dreamscene then there is hardly any CPU involved, & it stops if you have some other window on top
also, if the video resolution is the same size as your desktop, then minimal cycles are used, otherwise, by default, the video is resized to match the desktop resolution on fly. consuming cycles.
this behaviour can be edited in the Desktop background options.


You gave been GXified
^^^ Add to it that Mac OS X has no such feature. Using a pre-compiled screen saver is not equivalent to using any video of your choice, including but not limited to WMV HD porn :D


You gave been GXified :confused: (adult baate mat karo, yahan 18 years old ***boys hain :D)

I just gave an example.


 Macboy
gx_saurav said:
^^^ Add to it that Mac OS X has no such feature. Using a pre-compiled screen saver is not equivalent to using any video of your choice, including but not limited to WMV HD porn :D

I could just as well say that Windows has no such feature as using a quartz composition (which is very easy to create btw) as a desktop wallpaper. One can also use a screensaver as a wallpaper. A quartz composition is after all just maybe over 1MB as against those heavy WMV files...

As for me, that deskscape of stardock's, the most popular one, its about those different planets revolving and stars n stuff, that one takes in about 20% of CPU... which makes my CPU fan start to whine...
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