Which one is better on eyes? CRT or LCD?

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Web developer
Guys I am having this weird problem these days. I've used LCD display for about 2 months & guess I got used to it. I didn't use CRT monitor during that period. Now when I use my desktop which has CRT monitor I can't use it. Mere se monitor dekha nahi jata. My eyes get all watery. I don't face this problem when I use the LCD display. What can be the reason. I've a friend who also can't use CRT for even 10 mins. Why is it happening? Is it 'coz I got used to LCD? Also these days I don't use computers much 'coz of power cuts. I Googled but some sites say CRT affects eyes some say LCD affects eyes. :confused:

I already wear specs.

Please suggest what should I do?


Slideshow Bob
Probably the refresh rate of the CRT is set to a very low value. Try increasing it to 85Hz, maybe then your eyes will be able to tolerate it :D


Slideshow Bob
The main benefit that LCDs have when it comes to comfort is the reduced strain on your eyes. The reduced glare on the screen's surface, and the elimination of a typical CRT's "refresh", can prevent your eyes from getting tired from extended use. A CRT monitor redraws the image on the entire screen as it refreshes, whereas an LCD monitor only changes the necessary pixels during a refresh.

There may also be the unquantifiable effect of reduced electromagnetic emissions on LCD monitors. The exact impact of electromagnetic emissions may not be fully understood, but in general less is considered to better, as addressed in this article. And, your back may also appreciate an LCD when it comes time to move, as the example above shows a 19" LCD monitor weighs about ¼ as much as its CRT counterpart.



Staff member
yeah u hav got used to LCD.

Our body adapts to the surrounding, remember the irritating noise in the background that seems to fade away after a while :)


Web developer
@Kl@w- Hmmm.... I've already read it & many more! But many articles contradict each other. Some say LCDs are bad on eyes & create problems. Can this be a problem cause by the LCD display?
Set the brightness to very low.As low as you can.Is your CRT screen glossy or matte?Some people have problems with glossy ones.
Decrease Resolution and increase Refresh Rate.This might help.Use Computer in a well-lit room.
BTW what is the power of your glasses?


Web developer
yeah u hav got used to LCD.

Our body adapts to the surrounding, remember the irritating noise in the background that seems to fade away after a while :)

Even I think so. But I need to use both desktop & laptop. My eyes can't take this!!! :(


Slideshow Bob
IMHO and from personal experience, LCDs are much more comfortable than CRTs. After using the LCD display for 2 months, your eyes don't seem to be able to tolerate CRTs. As T159 mentioned, our body is highly adaptable.


Web developer
Set the brightness to very low.As low as you can.Is your LCD screen glossy or matte?Some people have problems with glossy ones.
Decrease Resolution and increase Refresh Rate.This might help.Use Computer in a well-lit room.
BTW what is the power of your glasses?

Brightness is already set to the lowest & I am having problems with CRT not LCD. I've glossy LCD display.

Resolution & refresh are rightly set- 1024*768 at 85 Hz on a 17" LG CRT monitor. The room is well lit too :|

IMHO and from personal experience, LCDs are much more comfortable than CRTs. After using the LCD display for 2 months, your eyes don't seem to be able to tolerate CRTs. As T159 mentioned, our body is highly adaptable.

So any way out? I take frequent breaks & blink my eyes regularly. I also clean my eyes with water 3-4 times a day & use a general eye drops which are available over the couter & recommended by my doctor.
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You can try anti-glare glasses.
Sort of similar was problem with me.When I was like 10-11,I had a CRT screen,used to play games a lot!CRT was weakening my eyes.But since I turned to LCDs,it is quite stable.My iMac LCD is glossy but it doesn't hurn coz it's LCD!CRTs hurt after you have used LCDs.Even though I wear anti-glare glasses,when I do practicals in school comp lab my eyes hurt!
I suggest you to either get anti-glare glasses or an LCD.


Bond, Desi Bond!
In my office, I have one 19" HP LCD and 20" Sun CRT. I can work on 19" for hours but after just few minutes on 20" CRT, my eyes start burning a lot.

Reason: LCD emits lower radiation than CRT. Maybe this is the reason why cannot work on CRT anymore.
So any way out? I take frequent breaks & blink my eyes regularly. I also clean my eyes with water 3-4 times a day & use a general eye drops which are available over the couter & recommended by my doctor.

Trying to decrease the power of your glasses?Won't help.I guess you are a full grown adult,power won't increase but won't decrease either.Try LASIK:D


Web developer
You can try anti-glare glasses.
Sort of similar was problem with me.When I was like 10-11,I had a CRT screen,used to play games a lot!CRT was weakening my eyes.But since I turned to LCDs,it is quite stable.My iMac LCD is glossy but it doesn't hurn coz it's LCD!CRTs hurt after you have used LCDs.Even though I wear anti-glare glasses,when I do practicals in school comp lab my eyes hurt!
I suggest you to either get anti-glare glasses or an LCD.

I wear anti glare glasses, yaar.

In my office, I have one 19" HP LCD and 20" Sun CRT. I can work on 19" for hours but after just few minutes on 20" CRT, my eyes start burning a lot.

Reason: LCD emits lower radiation than CRT. Maybe this is the reason why cannot work on CRT anymore.

Similar problem. :(


Web developer
Trying to decrease the power of your glasses?Won't help.I guess you are a full grown adult,power won't increase but won't decrease either.Try LASIK:D

Na re, not trying to reduce it but trying to keep them healthy & hoping it desn't increase!

The cheapest solution would be to get an anti-glare screen for the CRT monitor.

I'll try it. No other option I guess.


Tribal Boy
LCD for sure. I remember eye strain while using CRT, thats about 3 yrs back I think. Then changed all monitors to LCD. And never faced any eye strain.

Only disadvantage of LCD (from my experience) - There is no eye strain and it is very comfortable, so we will sit in front of the PC for more time lol.
It won't increase and if it is to increase those things won't be able to stop it.
See in teenagers,when the height grows,the size of the head(till 15-16) also grows which leads to a cavity around the eyeball.There is nothing to stop the eyeball from elongating,so it will elongate and as we all know elongation of eyeball is one of the reasons of myopia or near-sightedness.
Power won't increase if your head has grown fully.Rubbing the eyes,studying in dark rooms and all these don't worsen myopic eyes:D


Tribal Boy
Oh yes, whenever there is no other option than using CRT, get a good anti glare screen and it will definitely make a difference.
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