I am using hardy since last 3 moths, after fresh install it works fine for me. Ubuntu boots quickly, however from the last week it takes more time to boot. I regularly update ubuntu. Every time the update files size was around 70mb. Is it the problem behind this. I dont know why boot time was increased and please suggest me any method to increase the boot time in ubutnu. Please advise me about ubuntu updatation. I have 1gb ram.
The second problem is i am unable to hear sound through my headset of my laptop. The sound works fine through my laptop speaker, however there is no sound in headset. I have vista as another OS and headset works there.
Please help me.
The second problem is i am unable to hear sound through my headset of my laptop. The sound works fine through my laptop speaker, however there is no sound in headset. I have vista as another OS and headset works there.
Please help me.