Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

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Senior Member
Iraq shoe-thrower set for trial

So much for freedom of expression, aye aye liberation !

you just dont get it do you? you seem to be a saddam hussein fan. instead of being happy that a dictator is gone, you seem to be unhappy about democracy in iraq. saddam killed a lot of ppl. instead of being happy that iraqi people now have say, you seem to more bothered about that shoe thrower. iraqi people are much better off now. iraqi people have the power to vote out the govt now. thats the beauty of democracy. you should live in a dictatorial state for a while. only then will you know the value of democracy. we in india take it for granted. you seem to worry so much about the shoe thrower in jail. why are you not bothered about the 100s killed during saddam times by nerve gas?

you seem to be among the ones who love to hate USA. its like microsoft bashing, its a fad. instead of appreciating them for all the good things they have done, you search for faults and magnify them.


Staff member
K I think I got it now. Please US come and save us from terrorists. But we don't have anything to give in return. I hope you still come. UN, u gotta be kidding your own existence. Better shut yourself out from the world.

I don't care if it was Saddam or anyone. I don't care if democrazy will do any good there. But I care when some third party try to scoop out as much as it can from the given situation.


Senior Member
K I think I got it now. Please US come and save us from terrorists. But we don't have anything to give in return. I hope you still come. UN, u gotta be kidding your own existence. Better shut yourself out from the world.

I don't care if it was Saddam or anyone. I don't care if democrazy will do any good there. But I care when some third party try to scoop out as much as it can from the given situation.

lol why should US come to help us??. we should save ourself. we created the terrorists problem.

so you said it. you dont mind saddam. you dont mind/care gross human rights abuse. your fears that US is stealing oil from iraq are unfounded.
edit: human rights violations may not like sound much to you. but visualise yourself in their shoes . then you will probably understand..
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you seem to be among the ones who love to hate USA. its like microsoft bashing, its a fad. instead of appreciating them for all the good things they have done, you search for faults and magnify them.

the dawn of a new type of a fanboy...:rolleyes:


Staff member
lol why should US come to help us??. we should save ourself. we created the terrorists problem.

so you said it. you dont mind saddam. you dont mind/care gross human rights abuse. your fears that US is stealing oil from iraq are unfounded.
edit: human rights violations may not like sound much to you. but visualise yourself in their shoes . then you will probably understand..
was it us or US who funded I don't point at people but those friggin co ops government official pigs who did this.

First they breed them, then they use them and later they get themselves pawned. So the only choice left is to destroy them.

Read about agent orange used by US in Vietnam and Korean war. Lol...its awesome to test something in realtime and whats better than exploiting other's land in war.

Atleast India is a lot better than that, it never tried to intimidate others. But here too things take months and years to get sanctioned. Bureaucracy sucks. A man is consumed by Paperwork. He can't help a dying person without enrolling himself into the whole event paperwork. One can't get treatment if shot by a bullet without a police intervention and paperwork.

it's like Papers carry more weight than Atleast am happy that I can get my HDDs RMAed without much paperwork or keeping its bill safe. All I do is submit it at their center and fill a damn form, its done. How nice :) Life could be simple.
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