Opera files a case against Microsoft

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You gave been GXified
NucleusKore said:
Don't take me as a pirate. I paid Rs. 3500 for Windows XP OEM two years back. That doesn't change my position.

U paid Rs 3500 for Windows XP. Now tell me, do u expect it to come without a web browser & media player preinstalled? Why did u "paid" for it...just so that u can start working on it right away & don't wanted to sit & configure the OS for 5 days like u do in case of Linux.

Like I said, stop comparing Linux with Windows here.


God of Mistakes...
narangz said:
gx_saurav said:
How will u know the FTP address

There are many mirrors which provides latest version of softwares on FTP.
And AFAIK, u can list the files on the FTP to see latest version through command line...

Don't you gx_saurav, narangz ??
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You gave been GXified
shirish_nagar said:
There are many mirrors which provides latest version of softwares on FTP.
And AFAIK, u can list the files on the FTP to see latest version through command line...

Yes, we can....but where will we get to know the FTP address :D. Do you want MS to bundle a 1000 page manual with Vista retail DVDs, who will read that....not every one is a geek.


God of Mistakes...
And specially for gx_saurav and iMav...

Please check this FTP site to Download Latest Version of Opera !!

gx_saurav said:
Yes, we can....but where will we get to know the FTP address :D. Do you want MS to bundle a 1000 page manual with Vista retail DVDs, who will read that....not every one is a geek.
Okaayy... tell me one thing...

U remember M$'s website ??
U remember Digit's website ??
U remember Google ??
U remember Hotmail / Live ??
U rememer .... ???

So, why can't u remember other ??
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You gave been GXified
shirish_nagar said:
And specially for gx_saurav and iMav...

Please check this FTP site to Download Latest Version of Opera !!

*gigasmilies.googlepages.com/24.gif OMFG...dude, u & nuclearcore...don't u guys get it. Suppose I m a new Windows user who just bought a Windows Vista Home premium retail edition, with all components removed like EU wants MS to remove.

I m given only the kernel...& nothing else. First, how will I install stuff in it now? I will need to download it...but where will i get to know the download address. It should be written somewhere, right...so do u want MS to bundle a 1000 page manual with Vista retail DVD with address of every such FTP site written???? If you want MS to do that....then why do u curse MS for not giving good out of the box experience...

How the hell will i get to know the address of Opera's FTP server.

Sirish & Nucleascore, you want Windows to work like Linux works....don't do that, Windows is not linux.

Okaayy... tell me one thing...

U remember M$'s website ??
U remember Digit's website ??
U remember Google ??
U remember Hotmail / Live ??
U rememer .... ???

Rofll....ok fine, suppose I enter www.digit.com in Comman line, now tell me, what should the page be opened in? it needs a browser to open, right? but according to your logic there is no browser installed in Windows, it needs to be installed first.....

& Sorry, No, I don't remember....ftp:/opera.com/win32/9.0/xxx84384384348384/setup.exe


God of Mistakes...
gx_saurav said:
*gigasmilies.googlepages.com/24.gif OMFG...dude, u & nuclearcore...don't u guys get it. Suppose I m a new Windows user who just bought a Windows Vista Home premium retail edition, with all components removed like EU wants MS to remove.

I m given only the kernel...& nothing else. First, how will I install stuff in it now? I will need to download it...but where will i get to know the download address. It should be written somewhere, right...so do u want MS to bundle a 1000 page manual with Vista retail DVD with address of every such FTP site written???? If you want MS to do that....then why do u curse MS for not giving good out of the box experience...

How the hell will i get to know the address of Opera's FTP server.

Sirish & Nucleascore, you want Windows to work like Linux works....don't do that, Windows is not linux.

Rofll....ok fine, suppose I enter www.digit.com in Comman line, now tell me, what should the page be opened in? it needs a browser to open, right? but according to your logic there is no browser installed in Windows, it needs to be installed first.....

& Sorry, No, I don't remember....ftp:/opera.com/win32/9.0/xxx84384384348384/setup.exe
I think, I've answered you...

shirish_nagar said:
Okaayy... tell me one thing...

U remember M$'s website ??
U remember Digit's website ??
U remember Google ??
U remember Hotmail / Live ??
U rememer .... ???

So, why can't u remember other ??


You gave been GXified
^^^^ sirish tell me, there is no browser installed in Windows, then where the hell will i enter www.microsoft.com

I quit, these Lingeeks have no idea how Windows work & since they know how to work on Linux only, they think they are Power Users *gigasmilies.googlepages.com/21.gif & think of us Windows users are noobs.

Dude, get real, the whole GUI of Linux is a rip of Windows & Mac OS. I m telling u, don't expect Windows to work the way Linux works. Even if MS only bundles the kernel & gives something like Synaptic only which asks u everything u want to install, they will still be sued cos MS is bundling there own Application installer, because of which users don't get to select whether they want to use Google Application installer or not. *gigasmilies.googlepages.com/24.gif


God of Mistakes...
gx_saurav, I told you that U can list files and folders on FTP (same as you explore on your local drives). And I think, people can search for the files there.

And, there are some FTPs which provides many softwares @ one place.
And try to FTP some popular download sites. They have their FTP servers too parallel to HTTP servers.

I think, u'll got it now !


Tribal Boy
gx_saurav said:
An OS requirs a HTML & multimedia engine to work.

OK, I agree, windows need html engine and multimedia engine to work as an OS. Does it need IE specifically and WMP specifically for working ? ?

Second thing - What I see from the heated up discussion - nothing wrong in bundling, nothing wrong in un-rthical ways to kill competition and MS need IE and WMP to run OS.

This is not for a flame war, but just a thought. You strongly believe the above points. Why not asking MS to aruge these points in courts ? As you already know MS failed in courts for all issues mentioned above. If you strongly believe these are valid points and nothing wrong in that, why not sending an email to MS telling them to argue with your posts ?

I think MS has got very very expert advocates, especially who are very good in all these. Still they failed, court order was against them. And you still think MS was right ?

Sorry, didn't get that logic ! May be opponents bribed the lawyers and may be the court too make verdict against MS ? ;)


God of Mistakes...
gx_saurav, Do u know what is FTP ?? Bcoz seeing ur posts, I doubt that U DON'T KNOW WHAT FTP IS !!!

For ur knowledge, we can browse FTP sites from command line.
Now don't tell me that sue M$ for providing command prompt !


Web developer
^^Arrey bhai kya opera hi 1 browser hai jo logon ne download karna hai? What about newbies? Windows is not for only for Geeks!!! Not everyone knows commands! Windows is NOT Linux! Read my post again in which I mentioned FTP. Even there I mentioned this.


You gave been GXified
shirish_nagar said:
gx_saurav, I told you that U can list files and folders on FTP (same as you explore on your local drives). And I think, people can search for the files there

nd, there are some FTPs which provides many softwares @ one place.
And try to FTP some popular download sites. They have their FTP servers too parallel to HTTP servers.

What the hell....r u nominating yourself for Noob of the week award...I know all this, but I just want to ask u one thing....where should I enter the FTP adress when there is no browser or File manager bundled by default in Windows.


God of Mistakes...
It's not all about Opera. It's that M$ is NOT following the rules for web designing the IE.


din said:
Why not asking MS to aruge these points in courts ? As you already know MS failed in courts for all issues mentioned above. If you strongly believe these are valid points and nothing wrong in that, why not sending an email to MS telling them to argue with your posts ?

I think MS has got very very expert advocates, especially who are very good in all these. Still they failed, court order was against them. And you still think MS was right ?

Sorry, didn't get that logic ! May be opponents bribed the lawyers and may be the court too make verdict against MS ? ;)

Hmmm, another interesting point you have raised. But can the opposition bribe even if they wanted to? You know Microsoft's muscle :) I am sure they hired the best lawyers.


Tribal Boy
I still didn't get it. If IE is not there, why people can't spend 10 or 15 mins to install another browser from a CD ? Whats wrong in that ? When I was on dial-up, most softwares I used were from magazine CDs, whats so bad about it ? ?

FTP may be tough, but why not an alternattive browser ? ? Oce you get browser, get a download manager from CD or internet, once you have these two, why the address etc, as everything can be accessed through that browser.

I still didn't get the point in - We need IE at any cost for downloading / browsing anything over internet !


gx_saurav said:
What the hell....r u nominating yourself for Noob of the week award...I know all this, but I just want to ask u one thing....where should I enter the FTP adress when there is no browser or File manager bundled by default in Windows.

In a shell, IT IS POSSIBLE

shirish_nagar said:
It's not all about Opera. It's that M$ is NOT following the rules for web designing the IE.

Yes, even the article says that
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You gave been GXified
din said:
OK, I agree, windows need html engine and multimedia engine to work as an OS. Does it need IE specifically and WMP specifically for working ? ?

Nope, but Windows is a product of MS & MS bundles these by default.

This is not for a flame war, but just a thought. You strongly believe the above points. Why not asking MS to aruge these points in courts ? As you already know MS failed in courts for all issues mentioned above. If you strongly believe these are valid points and nothing wrong in that, why not sending an email to MS telling them to argue with your posts ?

Because it is EU & we all know how biased is EU towards MS. Windows XP N & Windows Vista N are the biggest OEM flops in the PC industry, I hope u know that.

It's not all about Opera. It's that M$ is NOT following the rules for web designing the IE.

Don't turn the topic, we have already made it clear that MS needs to follow standard to which even I agree, It;s under work in form of IE 8

For ur knowledge, we can browse FTP sites from command line.
Now don't tell me that sue M$ for providing command prompt

Yes, we can....but Where from will u get to know about the FTP address? Like I said, do u want MS to bundle a 100 page manual?
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