My new software... for movie collectors!

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In the zone
Something I thought & made in last 1.5 hrs. The design is 3% complete. I m still thinking of a better layout.


I have a better name for this application, "Disk Rack". How is it?

This is the 2nd render of the application Window. Jai, these are the only features so far I could think of from such applications. Can you code it in WPF??? To decide features further we will need to talk.


F**KIN AWESOME! MAN......... i m getting used to WPF and i know photoshop.. also i have dowloaded Microsoft Blend 2 ... seems awesome but taking time to get used to.... and i m trying it.. ofcourse we will be in contact.. my yahoo email: jal_desai<at>

Dude!!! I've been doing a similar software too, except its strictly for pr0n, and my soft's features include screenshots and writing comments. Titles dont mean much in pr0n unlike conventional movies, so I thought you can mark them with your tags so that you can understand, and a couple of screenshots for each to identify them. Also you can write the name of the dvd you stored them on for future reference.

yup.. who cares about the names for them... screenshots.... hahaha... height!!!

@all i m kinda obsessed with the search thing and had lot of hair-pulls to get everything right.. hope it turns out good and not go more worse..

thnks to all.. i didnt know it would be liked so much.. am improving it!


u meant a cover feature.. and a synopse section... nice feature that will be..

@jal ...

i have upto 6 movies in 1 DVD....
it would be nice..if u can use a List control to store the movie names as child nodes and a single disc name as the root node.. and if u use that MFC u wont be having much problem in search too as it is natively supported by it ....

and i cant download just shoes loading file...

ya i m thinking to add the same thing.. and afaik MFC works with VC++ .. donno abt VC#.. As it is, i use Visual Studio Express Editions which does not have MFC Libraries.. and the link's working fine dude...
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Staff member
nice GUI *


Legen-wait for it-dary!
Claps to GXSaurav for the amazing interface!!! Looks kinda like WMP interface but its cool! I'm gonna download Blends 2 and try it myself, except I need to learn WPF :D


You gave been GXified
Thanx for the appreciation guys. I only gave 2 hrs to that design as I am also working on my 3D Portfolio. A WIP render was published on my blog today.

it would be nice..if u can use a List control to store the movie names as child nodes and a single disc name as the root node.. and if u use that MFC u wont be having much problem in search too as it is natively supported by it ....

I have a better idea. Have a look at the "Add Video Catalog" Window of mine. There is a section by the name "Disc Content". The user can enter whatever he wants in it, & all the words he adds in it becomes a "Tag" automatically except for generic words like "in" "the" etc.

Guys, let's make it happen. What Features would someone as a user want from one such application. What I have thought so far.....

1) Add a Catalog

Everything is a Disk, there is no difference in treating a CD or DVD cos once burned user will just write the Number on it & put it inside the CD Rack. ->

User selects what catalog he wants to add, Video, Audio, Files (video, audio, documents, pdf) or Game Disk. ->

User gets the page to enter the information about the disk as shown. He will enter disk number, Disc content, tags, disk creation date & disk type. ->

Disk type can be predefined or user defined such as "Audio CDs", "CD Rips" "Home Videos", "Vacation Movies" etc etc ->

Once the Catalog is created the user will save it & it will be saved in the database. ->

To retrive all the user has to do is to either search for it in the database using the search field or Simply select a particular Disk type from the sidebar. He can sort it using custom fields like in WMP11 such as Name, Status etc etc.

What other features you guys think should be there. IMdb Search etc doesn't fit in this software as it is a catalog of our own Disks & not of some Online Disk Store. Although, if Jai wants, he can include it as the way it is (nicely coded).
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