Leopard v.s. Vista

Leopard or Vista

  • Windows Vista

    Votes: 39 62.9%
  • Mac OS X Leopard

    Votes: 23 37.1%

  • Total voters
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I mean in terms of security vista is better than leo, coz we saw so many flaws coming out from the claws after it was released from the cage.


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...but afaik apple fixes it faster provides updates unlike Vista users waiting for SP1.


@ praka yeah thats true.. thats why i said vista su*ks... Its heavy on system resource... But Vista has more support from all over the world than mac does... coz only mac lovers and users will know to fix the probs.. but in Vista....

mad award...


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I left using windows(but still forced to use outside) because of the inherent weakness of M$ Operating Systems.I know it will be fun and satisfying to install new programs downloaded then uninstalled,getting infected and trying to remove the infection,defragging with some cracked s/w all this expecting XP or Vista will improve(but u know "window rot" with time) and feel secure.

but 99% will do all this and other registry edit ending up format,reinstall in a chain. :-| and dont forget most Vista users are pirates who use not only pirated Vista,also the other softwares too.apart from some freeware.do u think those stardock or windows blinds modded desktops shown in the screenshot thread are by genuine people who bought this all softwares. :rolleyes:

no way!may be a 4-5% will be buying s/w for windows.Vista=> those who use timercrack or something ATM waiting for a permanant solution from warez crackers.if they can crack vista,they can crack its DRM too.lets see :)
It is far better to go with GNU/Linux distros like Ubuntu or Fedora.(my suggestion is dont dual boot with different operating systems.) or even mac.they are REALLY better,if you are ready to fix with the new OS and ready to unlearn windows.yes,unlearning windows is what we need atm.

this windows/Microsoft related Software economy will not last longer.the s/w environment needs a common platform(OS) which is suitable to all.that is possible only through FOSS or Linux OS.
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Wire muncher!

Are you contending for the "Most garbled post over" title??!! :D Plz format it. Use Line Feeds (Enter) for our sake!!!!


Leopard has the core of GNU/Darwin. That has a Unix '03 certification. In the world of Unix this is the highest certification anyone can think of. Exploits were found in Leopard but nothing ever breached the kernel security. Mostly they are in the apps like Firewall etc., which is NOT a part of the core. Even if you get into a Unix system its not easy to bring it down. This is coz of the way Unix systems are implemented.

Vista is an entirely different breed. Such security is unheard of in Windows. At least here, Unix based OS' are the winners beating even the GNU/Linux based systems.


@ praka... u r rite... but do remember... all mac users wont use Apple hardware :D Installing MAC on other hardware except apple's hardware is against the EULA...

Giving up this conversation... coz it will lead to a huge controversy.. making me to post bad stuff and resulting in BAN... not scared of any other thing


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^aara paranje?Bill gates?mone,ninakku njann Ubuntu CD taram saujanyamayittu.ninte veedu kothamangalamthalle?Nee MVPA vaa,will give u.
try Ubuntu Gutsy+compiz and say that.


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^but OS X is made for macintel.the kernel drivers or drivers are optimized and made for macintels(original) hardwares.unlike windows which wants users to think that PC=windows :rolleyes: and made an s/w ecosystem where all h/w or s/w vendors concentrate on whatever M$ spits off-in this case Vista :-|


Wire muncher!
Gigacore said:
^ but they are MAC OS users
Mac is a term which collectively refers to the Hardware as well as Software. This is what makes it stable, coz Apple can test each and every part of the hardware as well as software.

The day Apple releases Mac OS for non-apple hardware crashes, failures etc. won't be uncommon. There are virtually infinite hardware components, testing all of whom is not possible.

If Windows was tied onto hardware then the hardware and driver related problems would be almost be non-existent.


you guys are arguing on a baseless thing.. both the oses are good in their own aspects.. well i wont say vista is bad.. but i will also say a fact : every movie i watch,be it transformers (megan fox ROX :D ) all of them use macs.. i dont know but atleast it looks sexy :p (talking about both) .. well of linux.. i am not upto it.. it really sucks for what i do... might be a good option for those who know what to use in it .. i aint against it but i dont like it ( that is IMO)..
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