HTPC software to browse web/play games


Hello everyone
I've made a setup where i can connect my laptop to my HDTV (hdmi) and home theater speaker system. I also have a wireless keyboard and mouse for this. I'm running win 7

My problem is operating this from a distance. At HDTV resolution all text and icons are too small to operate from a distance. I end up using the magnifier to use the web or open up games. Is there a software available that can allow me to see my drives/browse the web without the magnifier. Something like the media centers that people use in HTPCs

> Right click on desktop -> Screen Resolution.
> Click on "make text or other item smaller or larger".
> Choose different scales and set what looks best to you.

ANd please create better thread titles. the title is in no way related to what you are asking.


Thanks harshil. I've done that already. Am basically looking for something like windows media player and kylo web browser to ensure i can browse websites and watch movies without all the magnifier, horizontal scrolling and all
Heard that its a great media player but is there something to browse web and files

You can browse internment in XBMC too. Refer to tis thread: *

this thread will also be helpful:What is the best free HTPC software? [Solved] - Multimedia - Applications