How Many of Us Uses Pirated/Cracked Software

Do u use pirated software?

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Fresh Stock Since 2005
Thanks enoonmai and icecoolz for your kind responses.........

I'm gonna Uninstall the pirated copies.............

Not M$-Windows now.................None of ma family members know how to deal with LINUX and we CANT buy Windows............

I'll try my best to avoid CRACKED programs............

But I'll reverse engineer some..................... But only for knowledge............... I'll barely share them................

THANKS for everything....................


Cyborg Agent
like enoonmai said if at all you need any help do not hesitate to ping either of us (Enoo I hope u dont mind as I speakin for u too :p) and we will do out d@mn best to help you out!

All the best in your future endevaours. Do keep updated if you come up with anything interesting!


Fresh Stock Since 2005
Thanks to everyone
Here's a list of the programs I'm usin'. Most of them are freewares. But many of them are still illegal. It would be helpful, not just to me but to all the ppl who use pirated software, if you suggested freeware alternatives for the illegal softwares I'm using. This will reduce the use of pirated softwares, not only in my computer, but in all those ppl's who visit this forum.

Windows XP Home (ILLEGAL),
Windows Xp Pro (ILLEGAK)(Dual boot)

CD Burners
Windows Media Player 10,
Windows Inbuilt Feature with ISO recorder Add-On which helps in Creating and Burning ISOs,
Deepburner Freeware,
B's recorder gold (it is not a freeawre but came for free with my CD-Burner).
I'm still looking for a Video Burning freeware.............

Previously I used the following pirated softwares
Nero Bundled Edition (enterprize) 6,
Deepburner Pro.

Media Players
Windows Media Player 10 with K-lite Mega codec pack (it plays everything including Image of Video CD, LOL),
DFX Audio Enhancement (illegal)

Previously I used the following pirated softwares
Winamp Pro,
Quicktime Pro.

Compression Utlities
WinRAR (40 days Trial, eXpecting that i'll find a freeware within 40 days. Dont suggest me Zip Genius, i dont like that app),
Windows inbuilt feature for ZIP and CAB files,
UPX for some EXE and DLL compression.

Previously I used the following pirated softwares
WiaRAR (cracked),
SD Protector Pro.

Firefox Custom Build (m3),
Opera 7.6 (illegal)

Download Manager
FF inbuilt feature,
FreshDownload Download Manager,
Opera inbuilt feature.

Previously I used the following pirated softwares
DAP 7.4 (patched for not showin' ads and letting to use some restricted functions, illegal)

Security Programs
avast Antivirus (i'm having probs with it),
Kerio Personel Firewall,
Microsoft Antispyware,
Winpatrol 9.

Previously I used the following pirated softwares
ZoneAlarm Security Suite.

Previously I have used the following pirated softwares (for testing only)
Norton 2005,
Mcafee AV and Firewall,
Ad-aware Pro,
EA Trust AV,
Pestpatrol Enterprize.

Other Programs
OnSpeed (illegal),
Cache Boost Pro (illegal),
Dust Buster XP Cleaner,
Quick Batch File Compiler (illegal),
Advanced System Optimizer (illegal),
Offline Explorer Enterprize (illegal),
M$-Office (illegal),
Registry Mechanic 4 (illegal),
Numega Softice (illegal),
O&O Defrag Pro (illegal),
Defragmentor Premium (30 days trial).

But i still don't understand one thing, why do software companies distribute their trial version so openly? If one downloads their trial and uses it for 30 days, he'll certainly want to use it and if it is so easy yet safe to get a crack or illegal serial for that program, he surely wont want to buy the app. For me it doesn't take more than 10 mins to find the crack for the right version of the app i'm searchin for. If they know the sites, anyone can do this, even a 12 years old child will have no probs at all. And i dont know much about law (we don't have such law here in Nepal) but i dont think cops will ever come to check your HOME PC for pirated softwares, do they?? So what do software companies expext from ppl who download trial versions of their apps, for personel use.


I use the following illegal versions of s/w

Opera 7.54
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Pagemaker
Adobe Acrobat Professional
DFX for Winamp
System Mechanic Pro

Can't even think of buying those Adobe products!!!


Cyborg Agent

There is no freeware, full functionality substitute for Windows XP. You can download the "free" DFX for your media player here.[/url. However, once again, this program has no freeware equivalent.

Media Player-cum-Management Tool: Apple iTunes. I can personally vouch for this one. Its literally the best I've seen and I dont know how come I stayed without this all these years. :D

If you dont like ZipGenius (its really the best freeware tool out there) then you can try either FreeZip or stick to the nag screens of Winzip or PowerArchiver.

When it comes to browsers, I cant think of anything better than Mozilla or Firefox, especially Firefox. :D Again, when it comes to download managers, I personally use FreshDownload.

If you dont like avast! you can always use the alternative, AVG.

You can try alternatives such as :



Power Defragmenter

CDBurnerXP Pro handles DVD/Video too.

I will dig up other freeware alternatives soon. And oh, the companies give out trial versions to make their software popular. Imagine how famous some software has become because of this. Also, the logic is that if 20 people download the software, at least 3 or 4 would buy it.


I never used nor i will use a...


cos pirated version rulez. every software i use (except drivers) are illigal.

Post Edited by Deep : Looks better now, removed those extra line breaks


Cyborg Agent
Could you cut the godd@mn cr@p already! :x I'm reporting you right now! This kind of rampant encouragement of piracy cannot go on. If you've got something you can contribute, please do. Do not go around screaming to the whole world how pirated warez rule.


Cyborg Agent
enoo... take it point in u gettin all worked up...let them pirates scream what they want....let it be dude.


Broken In

Sourabh said:
i have never used a pirated software in my life

all the softwares i need are original and i work on a genuine copy of Windows XP :wink:

Thilak wrote ---- Mr sourabh u r an indian don' t spread faulse report .

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :!:


Right off the assembly line



FooBar Guy
urvishgajjar said:
Ah, I got the download link. Here it is...

read it properly, it says software piracy is strictly not allowed.


Walking, since 2004.
enoonmai said:
Could you cut the godd@mn cr@p already! Mad I'm reporting you right now! This kind of rampant encouragement of piracy cannot go on. If you've got something you can contribute, please do. Do not go around screaming to the whole world how pirated warez rule.

first i think many people here have too much money to spend? how can u force any one into using geniune software. if you know some computer languages or some tricks.. are you god? i feel many people think that they are too intelligent

Try forcing me into using geniune windows xp. whats the use? i pay 6,000 for a crappy, buggy and sh!tty os? thats why i use sumthing else... but my point is... how can any 1 be so arrogant and not force ppl to promote piracy? Is it a big deal that you know 3-4 computer langs frm your course? no it isn't mate...

i guess the problem with ppl in india is egos... you post about some software and u think ur xtra smart?

even i say piracy rules... try snubbing me.....

i am not that rich to spend 6k buying some crappy OS or 10k buying an un-worthy office application...

piracy will remain till the software will remain high priced. the marginal utility of software is 0. Its an intangible product. you don't get extra performance if you use a genuine software. Thats why piracy is rampant. You price the products within the purchasing powr of the consumer and see. People will buy it. Its not that ppl are averse to buying original software... just that its priced too high!

and i guess your post should be reported for talking in that manner to another member. funny enuff this forum permits lang like this.... while people with geniune talent(a guy made phpbb hindi lang) are called spammers and banned...


FooBar Guy
andy, India was never a market for American software vendours. It matters little to them if we use their original or pirated software.

even i say piracy rules... try snubbing me.....
Try saying the same in america or europe. They have scrict laws against piracy and you'll find yourself in jail, or your house being raided by cops if someone or your friends informs cops.

Its a true fact that happens in west.


Cyborg Agent
first i think many people here have too much money to spend? how can u force any one into using geniune software. if you know some computer languages or some tricks.. are you god? i feel many people think that they are too intelligent

Could we cut out the personal flaming please. Neither did he claim that he was god nor did he claim that he was too intelligent. So the person feels passionate about anti-piracy. He is allowed to express his views of something which he is passionate about provided it is legally inclined.

Try forcing me into using geniune windows xp. whats the use? i pay 6,000 for a crappy, buggy and sh!tty os? thats why i use sumthing else... but my point is... how can any 1 be so arrogant and not force ppl to promote piracy? Is it a big deal that you know 3-4 computer langs frm your course? no it isn't mate...

Piracy happens at any and every level. Why consider something like an OS ? Even AV solutions are pirated. Which is just pathetic dont you think ?
So asking people to do the legal thing has become arrogance is it ? WoW that is news to me. Once again no one claimed that he was the best or whatever. Then why does it affect you so much ?

Lets not make things personal here. He warned the person who was promoting illegal activities. Check the thread, its 9 pages long and there are many who claim to use pirate S/W do you see him screamin at everyone of them....

I am only replying to this simply because I do not want this to get into a personal war. So lets stop it now b4 it gets out of hand or we can always take it offline....


Walking, since 2004.
sir it would be nice if you don't be his broker.... neither you nor the intelligent guy has any right to talk in that way to any person.... let him talk in that way to me... then lets see


Walking, since 2004.

gnurag said:
Try saying the same in america or europe. They have scrict laws against piracy and you'll find yourself in jail, or your house being raided by cops if someone or your friends informs cops.

Its a true fact that happens in west.

i am in india :p i can't even think of going to a lowsy country like usa- the land of apes or europe- the land of eunuches


Cyborg Agent
mail2and said:
first i think many people here have too much money to spend? how can u force any one into using geniune software.

Money isn't the only criterion, buddy. When I spend 45k for my computer, I spend another 6k on a genuine OS because in my own personal opinion, stealing is wrong, whether you do it in a store for a few bucks worth of groceries or you steal from a company's product that expects you to pay for it if you use it. They never ASKED anyone to use their software, they only expect that you pay if you do. I run Linux on a couple of my boxes, but does that mean I can steal to run Windows and a few games on another machine. When was stealing ever OK?

mail2and said:
Try forcing me into using geniune windows xp. whats the use? i pay 6,000 for a crappy, buggy and sh!tty os? thats why i use sumthing else...

Like I said, I am NOT forcing anyone to use Genuine Windows XP. I wasnt talking about the OS alone, I was talking about every other legal software on the face of the planet that expects you to pay for its use, from antivirus programs, firewalls, image editors, workflow management, programming IDEs, and a few thousand others. All I expect people to do is not promote piracy. I am gonna quote the forum rules here:
* No Posts Related To Anything Illegal.
Do not post/discuss/link to anything related to hacking/warez/cracks/pornography, etc. Piracy, and anything related to it is not allowed on this forum.

Now, I think that clearly means one doesn't promote piracy in the forums. Maybe I am mistaken. The moderators can help clarify that for us all. And its not in my place to go around changing the world. I am not a fool to be doing that, nor do I have the inclination for it. This is, after all, the world that nailed a guy to a cross just for saying how good it would be if people were nice to each other for a change.

but my point is... how can any 1 be so arrogant and not force ppl to promote piracy? Is it a big deal that you know 3-4 computer langs frm your course? no it isn't mate...

i guess the problem with ppl in india is egos... you post about some software and u think ur xtra smart?

mail2and said:
even i say piracy rules... try snubbing me.....

You know what, I am not even going to try to. Anyone that can think for himself and knows the basic difference between what's right and what's not can figure out for themselves who's right. That is what you believe and frankly, my beliefs are something totally different and they do not require you to believe in the same things I do. For me, the only thing that matters is doing the right thing. I do something not because its what *I* think is right, but because it REALLY is the right thing to do. Now you can tell yourself and anyone that listens that piracy rules, but we both know the truth deep down inside, and you dont need ME telling you or anyone else what's right. If you believe piracy rules, go ahead, believe in it. I wont try and stop you, leave alone snub you. I dont do that to people.

mail2and said:
i am not that rich to spend 6k buying some crappy OS or 10k buying an un-worthy office application...

Well, the question I was asking was simple. People spend thousands and thousands on their computers and upgrades and yet see software as totally detached and "optional" from hardware. Maybe you and I can install Linux and work with it comfortably enough. But cut the cost of a branded computer by 6000 bucks, and then sell it without an OS and ask the user to install it himself and we'll see how many people would be comfortable with that.

Also, I can personally vouch for the amount of productivity increase and the lower support costs and time spent on getting a task done get cut drastically because of what you term as "unworthy software" Tell that to any sysadmin who works with Office/Exchange/SharePoint or Lotus Notes/Domino and ask him what he thinks about the TCO, time spent on support and then tell me if he thinks its still "unworthy." To each his own!

mail2and said:
piracy will remain till the software will remain high priced. the marginal utility of software is 0. Its an intangible product. you don't get extra performance if you use a genuine software. Thats why piracy is rampant. You price the products within the purchasing powr of the consumer and see. People will buy it. Its not that ppl are averse to buying original software... just that its priced too high!

You dont get extra performance from using genuine software, but you certainly get the support and that is the paramount concern for a company thats using the software, be it Linux or be it Windows or any other software. Support is ALL that a company cares about. And when a company, with tons of money at their disposal, with tons of technicians, support engineers, admins, etc. are worried about support, is it suddenly OK for a home office end user to forgo that support because he didnt purchase genuine software?

And my post was directed at the person who kept saying over and over and over and over again that piracy ruled and people who bought genuine software were (I believe someone called us) "morons." Do you believe in the same thing? That people who buy genuine software are "morons"? I lost my cool because the repeated statements encouraging piracy. And my post was never intended for the people who would consider buying legit software if the prices came down. Its directed at the others, the ones who have explitictly written in these forums that they "would not buy a legal copy for 500 bucks when they can get it for 50 bucks."

mail2and said:
if you know some computer languages or some tricks.. are you god? i feel many people think that they are too intelligent

how can any 1 be so arrogant and not force ppl to promote piracy? Is it a big deal that you know 3-4 computer langs frm your course? no it isn't mate...

i guess the problem with ppl in india is egos... you post about some software and u think ur xtra smart?

and i guess your post should be reported for talking in that manner to another member. funny enuff this forum permits lang like this.... while people with geniune talent(a guy made phpbb hindi lang) are called spammers and banned...

Well, that makes quite a list. I never said I was God, I never said I knew 3-4 programming languages, I never claimed I was intelligent, in fact, I never claimed ANYTHING. If you think I am stupid, egomaniacal, arrogant, abusive, then please, report me to the Moderators. They can take a look at all I've said and if they think I am wrong, they can kick me out or ask me to leave and I will do so.

And oh, the problem with India is not egos, its because people dont do the right thing when they should be doing it. Its sad that when Kalam tries to promote open source as an alternative to high priced software, people would still prefer to pirate than to switch and sacrifice a bit of functionality. As for me, you are free to flame me all you want, I am not going to lash out at you, or try to snub you or whatever. In the end, people will only believe what they want to believe, and not me or anyone else can convince them otherwise. If you think I am being arrogant by doing what's right, oh well, there's nothing I can do to convince you otherwise. If the Moderators tell me I am wrong and arrogant and stupid and what-not, then I will apologize publicly and bow out.


Cyborg Agent
LOL....I broker for the prof ???? Now thats rich. Thank Gawd Prof had the common sense not to make this a flame war which it could have been so easily. Once again I only mentioned not to make this personal and to avoid such comments. Anyone with a lil bit of common sense and wanting the right thing for this forum would want the same. Me broker the that really did bring a smile to my face :)

If you even bothered to read the whole thread (yes I know it is long) there has been a healthy discussion (with the emphasis on healthy) between me and prof with him standing by the legal side of it and I as to why piracy is rampant and why it wont go down anytime soon. And not a single time has he flamed me nor directed comments at me. So why can't you keep it healthy too ?

I do not vouch for anyone. Neither do I need to. Am fairly confident Prof can handle himself. I only wanted to avoid makin this a flame war. I got no beef with u mate. So take it easy and chill out.
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