From the Editor's Desk

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The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
I've put this on the website feedback thread but as I didn't get any reply, I am posting it here. I am sure Raaabo sir will reply and/or do the needful :)

I've put up 3 hardware reviews here so far (880gma ud2h,890gpa-ud3h and 790fxta-ud5...more to come in coming weeks) but the problem is it is restricted to 15 pics per post. I was wondering if you could remove that- at least on the reviews section.

Also there are couple of stickies over there which got nothing to do with review section. I was wondering if they could be replaced with basic guidelines for reviewers- for example no hotlinking and no plagiarism.


Democracy is a myth
As the May feedback thread is locked (though its only 31st May today), I've a question on the Geek attire article. The sites mentioned there, are they Indian vendor or international. If international, do they supply to India?


Simply a DIGITian
Staff member
Ya......Please change this........this looks really boring. And TDF not at all fast. It's too slow than some other forums and websites.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I just encountered vBulletin Database error. It randomly happens a couple of times everyday. But gets fixed automatically after 3-4 minutes.


Obsessed with Technology
Is there Checkpoint for CTC-2 because I haven't received the magazine yet and it would be unfair for us SUBSCRIBERS who receive magazine at the end of month.


Right off the assembly line
hi raaabo,
i wanna tell you that I really enjoyed listening to the videos of Mr. David J. Malan teaching CS50. I want them again in your DVDs. i hope you people didn't forget that the full series wasn't completed. Why did u suddenly stop givin' those videos??
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