Dragon Age II


Living to Play
Piyush said:
like broken ____
e.g. broken longsword, etcetc.....
For sale. :)):))
Piyush said:
anyways i was reading this thread
and what i fell is that everyone is complaining about this game except vamsi

and what should i do now?
i too have some -ve feelings about this game
but on the other hand, its Dragon Age , thats what keeping me to keep playing it
Well you can count on me too. I don't have much complains about the game. Yes its not as good as DAO but games like DAO don't come every year. Its a real nice to play one of the best RPGs out there compared to others so I say play it. Also there are some improvements also in the game. I am facing problems with my CPU so I am out of gaming till I fix that after that I'll come to DAO then DA2. I hope problem gets solved ASAP. :)


Trailer looks good..but sadly Dragon age 2 doesn't provide the excellent experience like its predecessor..lets see if this dlc provides something better!!


Living to Play
Hey guys see this. Found on Wikia. Really funny for me. Credit goes to the poster on that site.
To illustrate is this, I have created a silly little story about what would happen if Hawke and the Warden got into a bragging competition. Lets see how they compare...

Hawke: Hey, did you hear? I defeated the Arishok in single combat.

Warden: So what? I killed a Broodmother.

Hawke: Yeah, well I killed a Varterral.

Warden: Me too.

Hawke: Well...I slew a High Dragon.

Warden: I've killed four.

Hawke: Well, I defeated this templar knight-commander who was clearly possessed by some kind of super pride demon or something.

Warden: Yeah? Well, I created an army composed of Dalish elves, Orzammar dwarves, and mages using an old piece of paper. Then I ended a civil war more or less peacefully. Then I lead said army to battle against the darkspawn horde, fought and killed the Archdemon and then - instead of dying like I was supposed to - got up and went to a party.

Hawke: Well I um...uh...I slept with Isabella.

Warden: Who hasn't? Honestly I'd be more impressed if you said you didn't sleep with her.

Hawke: Sod off.

Warden: I mean, by the transitive property of Isabella, we've slept with each other.

Hawke: Ew.

Warden: Also, I should tell you that through Isabella you've slept with Zevran and Leliana.

Hawke: Through Isabella we've both slept with half of Thedas.

Warden: No, I mean I had a foursome with Isabella and those two.

Hawke: Liar. I met Leliana the other day, she's a Chantry Seeker, I think they take vows and stuff.

Warden: Wait, you met her? I decapitated her seven years ago!

Hawke: Well, her head was attached to her neck when I saw her.

Warden: Huh. I guess her headless corpse must have wandered over the Urn of Sacred Ashes that I had just defiled...

Hawke: Maybe she has a twin? With the same name...

Warden: Whatever, I've seen weirder things. Anyway, I should go, I need to head back through the Eluvian and teach my son how to use his Dragon God powers before he accidentally shatters the Veil...or worse, pisses off his mother.

Hawke: You have an Eluvian? I know someone who would be really interested in -

Warden: Oh by the way, here's about nine hundred sovereigns, use it for whatever, I just hate carrying around that much change.

Hawke: Wow, thanks!

And that is how the Champion bought food and housing for all of the Fereldan refugees in Kirkwall and was forever known as the Benefactor of Kirkwall.

Sandal Amell (talk) 19:20, April 18, 2011 (UTC)


I'll add more like this later here. :)):))
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Living to Play
Here is another
Hawke: I saved Kirkwall

Warden: So did i, and Fereldon and Thedas

Hawke: I surived the blight(i managed to flee to Kirkwall)

Warden: I killed Archdemon... survived and stopped the blight in one year, there is no need to flee... and you spent ten years stopping a mad Knight Commander.


Living to Play
masterkd said:
^nice and funny..great find!! :)
Kola2842 said:
Lol..Very Funny. nice search :)

Here is another guys.
Hawke: I met a grey Warden once. Said there was more pressing mattter during a war? What's more pressing than a war?

Warden: Oh right, that, yeah official warden bussiness. Perks of being part of a secret organization and not just a refugee.

Hawke: Well my game lasted 10 years.

Warden: Ooo 10 years. You mean play a bit then jump 3 years giving only a brief explanation of what happened during those 3 years so the developers could maybe fill it in later with DLC or just got lazy.


Warden: Don't worry I doubt anything interesting happened during those 3 years not alot can happen really, can it.

Hawke: Really?

Warden: Well unless your me.
(Road house (talk) 22:33, April 21, 2011 (UTC))


Human Spambot
Reinstalled Windows 7. Lost the save files. Now... I need save files where we are at the end of Deep roads expedition. Any help guys?


Living to Play
vamsi said:
Reinstalled Windows 7. Lost the save files. Now... I need save files where we are at the end of Deep roads expedition. Any help guys?
Saved game editor
See if this help. Not quite sure and I haven't tried or tested it.

Or try this.
DA2 save editor


Any of you guys played as a rogue?
I've completed as a warrior and a mage but i have doubts over being a rogue, just doesnt seem powerful enough :p
I preferred being a mage than a warrior because of those awesome spells, and i loved varric. His bianca dealed a tremendous damage per second later on.


Living to Play
I haven't played this game much but yes I have played as rogue. They are not underpowered. There is a ability to them by which they can just get to back of a foe and deal a massive backstab damage. I really liked that move.
Anyways I don't like any class more than Warrior.


yea backstab is a good ability, coupled along with stealth and those passive abilities.
But getting a rogue to fight against bosses like high dragon and the final bosses didnt feel right.
I loved it when i added elemental runes into varric's bianca and increased his attack speed, so that made it around 250 dps


Living to Play
Well bosses in DA2 are much much easier than their DAO counterpart. I didn't played this game much but I didn't got any challenge at all in this game. It feels so easy. Next time when I'll play this one I'll go for higher difficulties. :)


sh3t man, i feel nostalgic about DAO now. Remembering the countless playthroughs and time spent on this game. That was the best!


Living to Play
Well I am playing that nowadays so memories are fresh. You know the worst romantic thing in DA2 is that the hottest girl in the game is your goddamn sister. She is the only one I would sleep in that game but sadly she is my sister. I don't know what Bioware were thinking while making this game.


I was so excited when it released , rushed to store and bought but after playing some time(reached at kirkwall) i was disappointed . No strategy , no struggle . So again turned to legendary DA-O.


Living to Play
Playing this game. Dammit the placement of the character portraits is simply awful. My companions died many times and I didn't even noticed. This is bad real bad. Also the game is way too easy as there was no challenge. I mean if you are easily killing 20 guys at level 5. WTF??? Going to recruit Anders.


Playing this game. Dammit the placement of the character portraits is simply awful. My companions died many times and I didn't even noticed. This is bad real bad. Also the game is way too easy as there was no challenge. I mean if you are easily killing 20 guys at level 5. WTF??? Going to recruit Anders.

same things made me uninstalled it. Will play when i have nothing:)
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