Do UFOs/Aliens exist, is Time Travel possible and more...


I'm replying without going through the whole thread. So i might just be trolling, I hope i will make some sense.

There are only two main reasons why aliens would try to visit our planet.
A.) Out of curiosity.
B.) For resources.

A.) I do believe that there must be a smarter race somewhere in this universe, people who would be billions if not trillions years ahead of us, at some point they might have a curiosity of exploring our universe.
The concept of light travel is what we think of when we talk about exploring universe. Maybe they have technology of making 'worm holes' through the space. Its like folding a piece of paper into half and making the ends meet, rather than starting from top and going to bottom.
If they had curiosity they might already have visited us. Or Have they? :wink:

B.) When we talk about 'Resources' we only think in terms of things we 'Humans' think are important for our survival. Maybe for the aliens, something else is important. What we haven't cared about? Like, for trees chicken burger with extra cheese makes no sense. Or does it?.

</end of trolling>:p


In the zone
UFOs may exist since the universe is so huge. If they manage 2 reach earth then they r higly advncd dan us. Nw fr lightyear problm jst check out wormholes. Wormholes connect 2 points in space through the shortest distance in hyperspace. So 400 lightyears maybe travelld in much short time. Aliens may possess anti-matter technology whch works efficiently and cn hold wormholes open. Ths migt sound lyk sci fi bt fr al we knw they could be thousand yr ahead of us

They may not need food and conditions similar to us. For all we know they could alter their genetic composition for becoming somethng else frm carbon basd lyf forms lyk us. YIKES! Borg!


aliens might exist.
my fish might be geniuses.
UFOs may exist since the universe is so huge. If they manage 2 reach earth then they r higly advncd dan us. Nw fr lightyear problm jst check out wormholes. Wormholes connect 2 points in space through the shortest distance in hyperspace. So 400 lightyears maybe travelld in much short time. Aliens may possess anti-matter technology whch works efficiently and cn hold wormholes open. Ths migt sound lyk sci fi bt fr al we knw they could be thousand yr ahead of us

They may not need food and conditions similar to us. For all we know they could alter their genetic composition for becoming somethng else frm carbon basd lyf forms lyk us. YIKES! Borg!
looks like someone has been reading too much star trek here.
1. wormholes have severe matter/energy flux. good luck trying to make it through in one piece.
2. wormholes can connect ANY 2 points. do you want to go into a wh and come out right next to a supernova or a black hole?
3. we too posess anti-matter tech, but i fail to see how that will keep a wh 'open'. even the bajoran wormhole does not require an anti-matter tech to keep open (is another matter that sisko has to sacrifice quark's monthly profit to appease the wormhole creatures)
4. they may or may not need similar life support. i strongly prefer the former. i think that 'life' has a basic template. carbon based organisms can only evolve in a few restricted directions. this is the reason why fish-aliens or bird-aliens cannot exist. they couldnt make and hold tools woth their appendages!!
same with quadrupeds, no hands to hold tools. so unless the aliens are psychic, we can safely assume that the aliens will have a pair of "arms", "legs", and at least something resembling a head.
5. i dont think anything can change their basic composition just like that.
do you know why is arsenic poisonous? it is very similar chemically to phosphorous, which is an essesntial compound in our DNA. it is so similar that it replaces phosphorous in all the essential sites. hence, the RNA and ribosomes cannot duplicate the pattern, and everything halts in the cell, and it dies. when enough cells die, the body dies too.
good luck changing the 'basic structure' of someone without incredibly advanced nano-bots, or genetically tailored viruses.


Firecracker to the moon
Well some people say that the pyramids of giza act as a compass for UFO'S.
But i dont believe in Aliens anymore.
As most of the theories have been proved wrong.Like the crop circles etc.
But heres what my friend says "There Might have been some flying objects(UFOS) in the past,Because many mythological Epics have Flying chariots etc."
Well anyone heard of the red Rain in Kerala which took place a few years ago.It contained DNA ailments.Which some Scientists say is not found in earth??
Is it true?


Sith Lord
Staff member
^ prolly this> *


Discovery of a Water Snake That Predicts the Direction Its Prey Will Flee


Well some people say that the pyramids of giza act as a compass for UFO'S.
But i dont believe in Aliens anymore.
As most of the theories have been proved wrong.Like the crop circles etc.
But heres what my friend says "There Might have been some flying objects(UFOS) in the past,Because many mythological Epics have Flying chariots etc."
Well anyone heard of the red Rain in Kerala which took place a few years ago.It contained DNA ailments.Which some Scientists say is not found in earth??
Is it true?

crop circles are not "alien evidence", they were, and are made by pranksters, and they are pretty easy to make, given that you have a good gps, and a topographical/survey map.

hah, if there were extra-terrestrial dna segments, then there would be a bigger hue and cry than that.
the first question would be : how did the dna survive the outerspace?
the almost 0 kelvin temps, hard radiation, heat from re-entry.... it all would've fused the dna into a ball of random proteins. and if those "alien life" can survive outer space, then they can easily survive our planet.

forget about mythological epics, most of them are manufactured lies and blatant mis-information.

huge mutant monkeys making bridges out of rocks taht stretch for miles? where was their stone quarry?
squirrels are striped coz a dark guy stroked one of them??? squirrel must be more promiscuous than rakhi sawant and poonam pandey rolled into one.
100 sons? of a blind couple? yeah, that explains it. they couldnt find the contraceptives.
weird arrows with freaky properties? lets use them against china, no need for agni V

if aliens are there, then they will not leave cryptic messages like that.
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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
this thread is running from 2006 and I haven't read it at least once :p .. (may be couple of post ;) )


Firecracker to the moon
^^ I highly doubt the world will end this year :D
Now they say mars rover caught blobing lights that can be UFO'S :O


The Power of x480
Staff member
Apocalypse means a change not 'the end'.


a·poc·a·lypse /əˈpäkəˌlips/

1. The complete final destruction of the world, esp. as described in the biblical book of Revelation.
2. An event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale.
Source: Apocalypse - Google Search
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