Debates about the Economy, Politics, Religion, and everything under the sun

Who will win 2014 elections

  • Rahul Gandhi (Congress)

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Narendra Modi (BJP)

    Votes: 54 52.9%
  • I want Narendra Modi but not BJP

    Votes: 16 15.7%
  • I want Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)

    Votes: 12 11.8%
  • Others

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • I don't want to vote for any of them

    Votes: 8 7.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


This I of yours, as i have met before as well, is shadowing your so-called wisdom in an epic scale and not letting it show as you claim to have... grow up and confide in your strength of knowledge rather than boasting of it. Just because a context of a credibly rich post is incomprehensible to you, does not mean its crappy.

Every subject is open to diversify and then again converge in its own gravity, if its worthy enough, and not to mention, this forum, its members and their lenience towards interactivity has so far encouraged it.

Everywhere its true....and who says we need a P. Chidambaram to discuss economical downswing? half the internet is full of informations like white paper policy, gold valuation etc..etc which any one can grab, read and easily understand the reason and discuss...

...i sincerely in this cyber-age and claiming.... that "one need to be severely heedful on some common subject"...can only post/discuss here, is under-education. There are still many articles written on "how to improve comprehension skills" out there...try some...

A very wise post I came across after a long time ....


Super Moderator
Staff member
@mediator,then why post despite knowing this.many here already see it as some form of boasting while others see it as just gibberish.knowledge is not meant to be imparted to those unwilling/uninterested unless the desire comes from within.this is a technology forum so if you want a meaningful debate on religious/cultural issues this is not the place especially with your writing style & knowledge.the purpose of a debate should be to test your views against a criticism of same level as that of your views which clearly will not happen on a technological forum. is one of my rules never to engage in debate against someone i already judged once as not worthy of my time which is exactly 2 persons here(not you mediator btw :)).
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Wise Old Owl
^^ Again a legendary example of being completely impervious to maturity, not only showing apathy to the notion of a "FORUM"!! also by taking everything as personal assault.

Open your eyes and see, the very section you are writing on is based on a topic which is not STARTED on HW/SW related issues, its a topic of economics, in which you yourself have so many posts...and now that when it diverged, you did too and finally demanding people suddenly to change tracks...!

If i'm not mistaken there are several posts, threads going on completely unrelated to so-called "technology" and on social science,problems and solutions related to humanly affairs of daily world in TDF..undoubtedly brilliant...every forum encourages it and so does this. even the executive editor has relevant posts on this thread! and you Sir portraying some informative posts as "against" your "desire", "willingness" "intrigue" and marking them as ill-styled!

Hail to you, take a bow...for the exemplary show of contradiction.


Our government babus create crap policies and rules for everything including FDI that's why no foreign company invests here.


whitestar said: is one of my rules never to engage in debate against someone i already judged once as not worthy of my time which is exactly 2 persons here(not you mediator btw :mrgreen:.

I simply wish it was me!


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^forget all you have learned about vedic culture,develop an over-attachment to material desires & do exactly opposite of karmanye vadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana & i might just add you too.


Super Moderator
Staff member
@dead5,i will debate with you on japanese culture & anime/manga but not Ramayana/Mahabharata & definitely not VNs as i don't play them.:p


Wise Old Owl
...i sincerely in this cyber-age and claiming.... that "one need to be severely heedful on some common subject"...can only post/discuss here, is under-education. There are still many articles written on "how to improve comprehension skills" out there...try some...
This also has a negative side for people sometimes don't know what they're dealing with & what they're writing.

Vanzara's letter bomb on Narendra Modi causes big bang in Parliament too |

This is no surprise. Parliament gets disrupted on every issue. Not much worthy debates happen now.
Its another storm , with a little sarcasm :cool:, which will wither away like Sanjiv Bhatt.
In my opinion,They should do something like more foregin companies(EXPECT WALMART) Invest $$ in India,That way there will be more flow of money

WTH :eek:

Looks like i'll be eating rice with 99% water curry in my lunch breaks :| As all canteens will do that :| to beat expenses and Softdrinks,fruit juices will have more water too

I dont understand the economics... so have a small doubt...allowing foriegn companies in india will get us some dollars.. but at the end when the companies get profits wont they convert the revenue from rupees to dollars.. there by increasing the demand of dollar and de-valuing the rupee?
Isnt the present situation because of the high demand for dollar in the local market.. due to purchase of foriegn goods and services?!! like samsung, vodafone, vollkswagen, P&G, Nestle,Hindustan lever, coke, pepsi, colgate, pepsodent whose products we use every day for every thing??
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Super Moderator
Staff member
you really don't understand economics :) companies investing in India will have to spent rupees on their Indian operation(taxes to govt,salaries,investment etc) & not all profit will be converted to $ but only a part & the rest will be used to expand their Indian operation to earn more profit since they will get better return on it than in their home country in $.now this hold true if companies investing in India have confidence in Indian economy which is not the case now.

before 1991 reforms India used to follow the principle of "no foreign only Indian products" & it resulted in India mortgaging its gold reserve & asking for help from IMF to avoid an economic is a well accepted economic principle & also common sense that you can not be a master of everything.if you try to make everything from toothpaste to nukes you will end up like former USSR.


you really don't understand economics :) companies investing in India will have to spent rupees on their Indian operation(taxes to govt,salaries,investment etc) & not all profit will be converted to $ but only a part & the rest will be used to expand their Indian operation to earn more profit since they will get better return on it than in their home country in $.now this hold true if companies investing in India have confidence in Indian economy which is not the case now.

before 1991 reforms India used to follow the principle of "no foreign only Indian products" & it resulted in India mortgaging its gold reserve & asking for help from IMF to avoid an economic is a well accepted economic principle & also common sense that you can not be a master of everything.if you try to make everything from toothpaste to nukes you will end up like former USSR.

How about China ??


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^China understood this reality 15 years ago before India & see where it is now.chinese now buy apple iphone,samsung,sony made in factories in their own country built by foreign companies & rest of the world including indians buy them too.
you really don't understand economics :) companies investing in India will have to spent rupees on their Indian operation(taxes to govt,salaries,investment etc) & not all profit will be converted to $ but only a part & the rest will be used to expand their Indian operation to earn more profit since they will get better return on it than in their home country in $.now this hold true if companies investing in India have confidence in Indian economy which is not the case now.

before 1991 reforms India used to follow the principle of "no foreign only Indian products" & it resulted in India mortgaging its gold reserve & asking for help from IMF to avoid an economic is a well accepted economic principle & also common sense that you can not be a master of everything.if you try to make everything from toothpaste to nukes you will end up like former USSR.

You have a point.. but one more doubt..I agree they do pay taxes and salaries in the first few years of establishment and even establishment costs.. but then onwards dosent the revenue they get from indian operations go towards the taxes and salaries.. the profits which the company gets are diverted back to the parent company??
Also arent the restrictions on FDI making sure that all the income from indian operations are not siphoned... isnt it making sure that atleast some of the income stays back or is used in india?!!
BTW rupee vaule was 7-17 from 1980 to 1990.. the down fall started in 1985 during the rajiv gandhi goverment. The inability of the congress government, followed by uncertainity at the center during the vp singh and chandrashekar governments; Were the main reasons for the 1991 crisis..
P.S: also regarding the 1991 reforms... the biggest loss for rupee occurred in 1992 after the reforms and now again in 2013.
India was in cash crunch at the time as there were not enough exports from our software etc. To pay for the imports... We were based on agriculture.. previously we even used to import milk now we export it Most of the big players in milk are indian companies); we had nothing of great value to export..
And also how did China do it.. its faced similar situation like us in the 80s and 90s.. but it sticked to its policy and is now reaping the rewards...

p.s: I really meant it when I said I dont understand economics..when the rest of my class took economics.. I had opted for computer... so never came accross it except in business news channels.. So please be patient with me..
Quote from wiki
Revaluation[edit source | editbeta]In the period 2000–2007, the Rupee stopped declining and stabilized ranging between 1 USD = INR 44–48. In late 2007, the Indian Rupee reached a record high of Rs.39 per USD, on account of sustained foreign investment flows into the country. This posed problems for major exporters, IT and BPO firms located in the country who were incurring losses in their earnings given the appreciation in rupee. The trend has reversed lately with the 2008 world financial crisis as Foreign investors transferred huge sums out to their own countries. Such appreciations were reflected in many currencies, e.g. the British Pound, which had gained value against the dollar and then has lost value again with the recession of 2008

Dosent the above mean.. that fdi will increase the rupee value only temporarily and when they get established the reverse occurs?!!

^^China understood this reality 15 years ago before India & see where it is now.chinese now buy apple iphone,samsung,sony made in factories in their own country built by foreign companies & rest of the world including indians buy them too.

China uses products made in their country... which are then sold all over the world. And we use products made elsewhere.. there is a difference..
When china sells..there is a requirement for yen which marginalizes the defecit when it imports..Also its create money and jobs.
I feel...Unless we increase of capability to produce and export such goods..we cant be profitable like china. But i may be wrong..


Super Moderator
Staff member
you have to first read the difference between current account & capital account in the budget because without that you won't understand it correctly.there is no restriction whatsoever currently for sending profits back to home country except paying taxes.also you need to understand the concept of investment & liquidity.if you are getting a profit in a currency which is giving you better returns(say in that country's stock market) compared to your home country then you will keep a major portion of profit invested in that country only & not send it back ti your home country.when Indian economy was doing good foreign companies were investing their profits in Indian market not their home markets.

as for rupee value before 1991 it may sound good on paper but remember that it all depends on context.a 10 looks good compared to 1 but bad when compared to 1947 1$=1rupee so do you prefer the return to economic situation of 1947 when people were willing to kill for amount of few rupees.

i have seen times before 1991 & after 1991 & let me tell you something that those born around/after 1991 have no idea about the poor state of Indian economy because of the result of almost 40 years of so called "socialist" policies whose aim was "if you can't make everyone rich then make everyone poor for the sake of equality".

how ridiculous does it sound when you hear 97% tax rate?that was the highest tax rate during 1973-74 so if you happen to be a successful businessman who somehow managed to earn 1lakh then govt would take 97000 to apply the equality principle stated above.

if still want to amuse yourself with the ridiculous economic policies of Indian govt before 1991 read about "hindu growth of rate" coined by a brilliant indian economist.

When china sells..there is a requirement for yen which marginalizes the defecit when it imports..Also its create money and jobs.
money market,currency convertibility,global market integration,US treasury bonds,forex reserves,............

P.S.ok this is the last post by me here in this thread.
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Bhargav said:
I really meant it when I said I dont understand economics..when the rest of my class took economics.. I had opted for computer... so never came accross it except in business news channels.. So please be patient with me..
You don't really need to read economics to understand the reality. Most of the Baniyas and Gujaratis have it in their genes and are one of the best businessmen. The growth rate in BJP's service under Vajpayee was much better than UPA's 'rule' with economic cats like Manmohan, Montek , Chidambaram etc. Like I stated before, do we really think that an "oxford certificate" can save India?

Look at these 'educated' economic experts who are literally begging the world/west to help the rupee -> West must share onus in helping the rupee: PM - Hindustan Times

and for every situation with Pak/China/neighbours etc they are literally begging the US to help them. They will let the Chinese intrude, but will not let Modi come to the top at any cost be it spreading false rumours about him and 2002, create websites like Feku, distorting his own statements through paid media like TOI with full front page heading for weeks and then publishing a clarification in a small section on page 9.

Times of India clarification on Narendra Modi Uttarakhand rescue controversy | Vineeth.In

Now after series of failures, infinite scams, backlog of communal riots to their 65+ years of resume, these "secularists" who so far coined the term "saffron terrorism" and associated temples with communalism are eyeing the temple gold. I guess gold from these communal temples is still 'secular' for them.

After policy failures, UPA eyeing temple gold for economic recovery | Niti Central
Tweeters tell UPA Government to keep off Hindu temples | Niti Central

Can they dare to touch the WaQF Board, Masjids and Churches? I guess we are going back to the Mughal era, when temples and people were taxed by the invaders to operate.

Anyways, yes it is quite natural for these foreign brands to send their profit to the parent company and expand business in other countries. The capital cost would be initial but subsequent profits is something that should be taken a note of and how that profit is being used which is one of the basics of any business. On the contrary, a business man living and expanding his business in India would be paying all his taxes to India and employing India which would be anyday better than a foreign brand operating in India. Perhaps, we would make an excuse as there are not much Indian companies for that matter. But thats where the 65+ years of Congress misrule comes into the picture, as to why have they not developed state of the art medical facilities, infrastructure etc? The rest of the Indian crowd is busy queing up to get themselves checked at ill-fated hospitals and Sonia Gandhi goes to US to get herself checked! Whats wrong with Indian hospitals? And if anything is wrong, why not rectify it?

This is one of the reasons why Modi promotes India and Indian brands to come up, a self sustained nation! Perhaps, it is only in the economic theories where economists often impose foreign policies and foreign failures as framework for India to implement similar "standards". But for all I see, Modi, coming from a very weak section, a non-economist has used the best of everything, optimizing the present situation keeping the future in mind to create a Gujarat which today has surplus power and food, creating jobs, contributing to a major percentage of National income.

They think we can have a good meal at -
Rs 5 in Delhi (Rasheed Masood)
rs 12 in Mumbai (Raj Babbar)
Rs 1 in India (Farooq Abdullah)

Whats the hurry for food security bill? Why not open Congress stalls that sell food at Rs 5 in Delhi all over?

Manmohan remains an economist, an oxford champ who knows zilch about India at grass root and ground reality where his perfected slavery to the Italians has reduced the Nation to an International joke! :oops:
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Democracy is a myth
@mediator, I had this urge to quote and reply but then restricted myself.

First, if you bring 65+ yrs of riot and plus issues against Congress I would bring BJP's move towards Babri masjid incident, Karil war, Kandahar flight abduction and release of Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and Maulana Masood Azhar.

Second, about FDI a lot has been discussed. Investment is required in India. And such large amount of investment are not possible by a single person or a small community of 'baniyas'
And, if someone is doing business he/she would obviously look for profit and what he/she does with the profit is not your to monitor. Only thing you need to look for is if the business by foreign brands are abiding by all the rules and if proper taxes are being paid.

Third, You are kind of making it Modi vs. Congress whereas Modi is just a face of BJP. Its BJP coming to power vs. Congress in power.
Can you ensure all the BJP allies would behave as per Modi's whim and wish once BJP has won the election?

And, most of all looking at the poll equation BJP is in a very weak spot. No much allies are with it, Nitish Kumar left in Bihar, Mamata has promised not to be with BJP whatever happens even rifts in Gujraat also came into picture.

You can debate and dream of Modi's viability but only miracle can turn the poll table for him.


@Rhitwick -

Like I asked you before, how is Kargil or hijack of IC-814 related to BJP Vs Congress, let alone a Modi issue? Are you going to make me repeat or are you going to reply from my post #87, #89 onwards which have been totally ignored by you? Delusion by the word "investment" based on economic theories is not really wise. Why not "invest" the entire Indian black money kept in the swiss for that matter? Why not isolate CBI from government control totally and let it do the analysis and plan corresponding measures? Why did Congress oppose the Janlokpal when Vajpayee was in favour of it? Not only the corrupt Congress has tied the hands of agencies like IB, CBI and organizations like Army but has made us believe that the only way for "India's progress" is through some FDI, Food security bill and everything else that is a poison for India's future and then future generations might argue on similar lines like yours that in past India did not have the money! They want to discuss everything except corruption, implement all their bills except Janlokpal.

I really see no point in discussing the word "investment" when corruption takes the money to Swiss Banks and then Congress Queen Sonia and her butter baby going on their "secret tours" and "medical checkups to US, Swiss etc. Do you know how much money is spent of Sonia's and Amul Baby's personal and secret tours? Why not put an end to it and "invest" that money?

I really don't know if under Modi, his allies would behave. But I have seen that under his rule Gujarat has shined more than expected. Why not give him a chance and see for yourself instead of making assumptions and ignoring the track record of the party your adore and voting for the good for nothing, intellect, extempore and IQ fail Amul Baby?

You made assumptions about Modi to draw conclusions about future or perhaps hint at such conclusions. But let me ask what is the guarantee that AMul Baby will grow up and become a mature, complete man with brains in the future. No assumptions here, but plain facts below -

Amul_Baby said:
- I'm ashamed of being an Indian
- Ignores LeT and diverts to "Hindu terrorism"
- Cannot read a report which said "70% of drug addicts are youth in Punjab" and reads it as "70% of Punjabi youths are drug addicts"
- Says India is like a beehive
- Was missing during Uttarakhand Floods and celebrating his "birthday" in Sweden/Spain
- Was partying after 26/11
- Missing during Ramdev and Anna's Anshan
- Thinks Gujarat is bigger than UK and India bigger than UK and US.
- Lost elections wherever he contested till now

In short Missing whenever nation needs him and then his minions come out their holes and explain what he actually meant! Raul Vinci, has he quit his Italian citizenship? IMO, he is slap, a joke, an exception to the human intellect.
^Part of my post #80.

Why did you vote for Amul Baby btw? Please enlighten me! :oops:

I'm happy that Babri was destroyed for it was built on destroying the sentiments of the Native Indians. What right does a 1400 yr old cult has to destroy the creativity of foreign lands? And what makes you "empathize" the destruction of Babri and not the death of millions of goats on a particular day, destruction of thousands of temples as mentioned in Babur and Anurangzeb Nama and the rape of infidel women? Like I discussed before, 'secularists' are only interested in the reactions and not the actions be it for Babri or 2002 where nobody wants to discuss "how and why" the 59 karsevaks were burnt alive! The destruction of Babri Masjid was bound to happen, if not today, then tomorrow! Hence I have emphasized before, knowledge of Indian history and Indianness is very important in having a discussion on Nationalism, Patriotism and Politics. Yes, Indianness is something that is beyond the boundaries of present India and for that matter I can see many foreigners to be more Indian today than the Indians themselves!

Please tell the party you adore to undo this -> *

Please rewind to #87,#89 and all my previous posts before you make me repeat completely and then sure do as you wish.
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