C/C++ Beginner's Guide and Post Basic Questions here


BIOS Terminator
keep practicing and remain dedicated, try your hands at some online judge to polish your language and algo skills.


Simply a DIGITian
Staff member
From my experience I'd say, keep your concepts clear. On interview generally people doesn't ask you to write programs, but mainly focuses on concepts and logic.

Though you may need to give machine test / may get asked for writing programs but that won't be tricky and all, it's just to test your logic.

You may not know everything, but what you know should be perfect.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Few posts have been moved to *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/programming/136185-turbo-c-c-other-junk-compilers-discussions-here.html

Kindly keep your queries relating to ANSI standards code and only differences with antiquated code if required. Other junk can be posted in the above thread. Thanks.


In the zone
Hey guys!!!
Im working in C++ i was so disappointed when Company gave me Java Track, i just hate it, now im using C++ - Multithreading and STL :)


In the zone

Hey guys,
Tell me one thing, does Dev C++ supports Multi-threading using POSIX i.e. pthreads?
If not then which IDE will support, Cygwin?
In company we have Web sense so we cant download it too :(


mingw is a gcc port for windows, and it includes POSIX library. Moreover, do not use Dev C++ use Code Blocks. Dev C++ is old and outdated.


I read the first post today and came to know that I was going the wrong way till now(Using Turbo C compiler :oops:).
So I downloaded MS Visual C++ express edition and installed it, but it looks more complex than what I have used till now. Header files are defined in different section, source code is written in other etc etc.
That's not an issue but I noticed we have to prefix "std::" before "cout" and "cin" and some header files a bit different and there will many other such modifications which I want to learn(I learned from some Sumita Arora book :oops: so you can understand what I mean).
Are there any tutorials which can help me in migrating from Turbo C to this new compiler?? I don't want to go through that 1000 page "C++ the complete reference" or "thinking in C++" if I can avoid.


You don't need to read the complete book to pick on the basics. :|

I am trying to implement every concept separately in this new compiler to learn the modifications. Till now, I have tried simple loops(for, while, do-while), switch statement, string functions, class and constructors etc. all separately. Initially they were giving errors which I solved after some googling(like using "_getch()" instead of "getch()", using "using namespace std;" etc).
I am trying a file handling program now(writing characters to a file) which is giving errors. Looking forward to rectify that.

^Same issue for me :(

Which compiler are u using now(Assuming by your statement that you were using turbo C earlier)???


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
You shouldn't be using _getch() either. It is a non-standard function as well and it is as bad as using the compiler you used. Use getchar or cin.get to read characters (Note input is buffered). And there's no point of either clearing a screen or trapping a keyboard output. Console programs aren't supposed to behave like that. And an IDE like Geany does that job for you automatically.

Forget about whatever you did in the you-know-what compiler. Read your book (yes thinking in C++) as if it's a new language you're learning.


Super Moderator
Staff member

Buy a proper C++ book and read it. Think this way - your knowledge in C++ is zero.

Sumita Arora doesn't teach anyone anything. It only transforms one into -


You don't need to read the complete book to pick on the basics. :|
I guess everyone missed your sarcasm.
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