Books/Novels Discussion Thread V1: Literary Gems


Sith Lord
Staff member
Anyone tried Turbulence by Samit Basu? bunch of mutants on a plane and one of them is the internet


Aspiring Novelist
Someone told me that Neuromancer was the inspiration for The Matrix. True?

Nopes. It is much more deeper and innate in concepts than Matrix or the following series. It is highly popular for 'coining' the word 'cyber'. A lovely read. Is complex in its originality.



@ Anorion, need to check out Samit Basu. You guys just keep adding to my SF list. Just can't read anything else. :(


Anyone has read the 'Secret' series by Anonymous Bosch?
Anyways, High on my list are 'The Fountainhead' and All of Jeeves' books By P.G.Wodehouse.


Sith Lord
Staff member
yes, I would count neuromancer as one of the inspirations for the matrix, but the matrix is inspired by practically everything under the sun
it invented the hacker ethic before people were fixing phonelines
also the GameWorld trilogy by Samit Basu, its oooold but some of you might have overlooked it... centaurs rub shoulders with the vanar sena in this one, and rakshasas fight it out with ninjas


-The BlacKCoaT Operative-
Finished reading "Halting State by Charles Stross" it is a 7/10 for me

He tries to build an elaborate suspense thriller but doesnt come out that way

still great to read about the future he created for us. infowar and all

Anyone has read the 'Secret' series by Anonymous Bosch?
Anyways, High on my list are 'The Fountainhead' and All of Jeeves' books By P.G.Wodehouse.

'The Fountainhead' by Ann Rand is loooong and best taken with a slow and steady pace maintaining a mellow mood :lol:


Aspiring Novelist
Ideally you should read her books in order.

We the Living.
The Fountainhead.
Atlas Shrugged.

Objectivism is deep.


Currently reading iCon, Steve Jobs Biography. But it is up to just 2005-06. I want to read more, any books ?

And I also need suggestions for novels, Romance with Thriller edge.

and guys have a look here - *


Reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. Really well-written book so far. Story is nice, romantic and at the same time complex. As in it is a simple love story with many complications involved. Very well-described. Total literary material. :)


-The BlacKCoaT Operative-
Reading REAMDE by Neal Stephenson. Really interesting but beware, it is very long :)

The size of this book is going to turn some people off. The depth of this book might do in some more, but it is exactly these things that keep Neal Stephenson fans coming back and spending a lot of time getting through them. When people see me carry this massive doorstop around (and seriously, this thing could be used as a murder weapon) they would inevitably ask me about it and the author. I would always start off by saying Stephenson writes science fiction, but then I would immediately backtrack. He writes fiction that is heavily involved with science, but not spaceships and aliens. Rather it is the cutting edge technology that infuses our lives today. But then he layers in history and philosophy in such fresh ways that it keeps me thinking about it for years to come. -someone


Democracy is a myth
Ah...back at this thread after a long time. That does not mean I'm not reading books...I'm reading indeed but too lazy to write about them.

But, today I must write about this book. Doesn't it happen to you all, you read an amazing book and you search for friends, parents, strangers...anyone to share the world of the story with him/her/them.

The book here is "Killed at the whim of a Hat" by "Collin Cotterill"

I did not know about Collin Cotterill prior to this book...I was browsing through books in Crossword and came upon this book with a truly wtf title. I read the synopsis and it was even surprising and WTF at the same time. I bought it.

The book started with a slow tone. But, from the first line I found its witty (like HOUSE witty). Some simple characters are drawn in front of reader where only the protagonist is known to us and others are only outlines of a figure. Slowly the plot started developing, and this slow pace is compensated with the witty writing in the beginning. This way you are never bored of what was happening and when would the actual fun begin.

Later the story unfolded with 3 parallel cases and proceeded with its own pace. But, never would you find the author juggling them on the expense of another plots pace. Things are so perfectly knitted I was really impressed of his writing.

The narrator (the protagonist) is a girl in story and Colling at times really made me believe that the story is told by a girl.
Another USP of this book is its character development. Its amazing!

Well, enough of this book. I really really like you guys to read this book.

"Vulture is a patient bird" by "James Hadley Chase"

This is my first "James Hadley Chase" book. I'm still not accustomed with his writing style...I like chapter concept, at least a divider, differentiating end of one saga and start of another. But in this book, until and unless a totally new event started there were no chapter division.
About book, the starting was shaky (or what seemed to me) then it was a pleasant and breathtaking ride.

"Revolution 2020" by "Chetan Bhagat"
I loved this book. Well there are cliches for sure but if you can ignore 'em its a good read.
First book from CB which is not trying to be funny just for the sake or a feel good book. A bit serious and sad at times.


Staff member
Guys suggest me some horror novel in the veins of Midnight Meat Train (movie), The Thing (movie) and Dead Space (Game).

How's this ? At The Mountains Of Madness: And Other Tales Of Terror: Book: H. P. Lovecraft (9780345329455)
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Democracy is a myth
^H.P.Lovecraft is a renowned name in horor writing. No idea about the particular book, but ehould be good.

b/w, you can try any "Stephen King" book.
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