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Democracy is a myth
Sex Education (Netflix) S01E06

This is one great show. Could have been cheesy and sleazy but actually funny and brilliant at times.
Check it out for sure.


The High 5 Flyer
DareDevil SE03 ....has raised the standard to DD even more ...... just rocking ..... I still have last 2 episodes to watch, with put a small review when I am done ......


Sith Lord
Staff member
Okay, Finished Agents of Shield, was pretty epic, got really into it. Tried all the other Marvel shows, didnt like even one (except Punisher). Wanna watch Inhumans and Agent Carter

Final Space was really cool, watched that series three times back to back. Cannot wait to get more.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine was hilarious (it is not slapstick at all! The disasters that happen to Hitchcock and Scully are the closest to slapstick. This has very well planned out story arcs, build-ups and plot elements. Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, or Charlie Chaplin are slapstick comedies. Nine nine is a sitcom, and a good one at that. Tons of humour, very well developed character quirks, and it also has a heart.)

The IT Crowd was also good. Little late to the party, but finished all the five seasons. Kind of sad that it ended, but it ended in a good way. Loved the TShirts that Roy wore.

Then finished Castlevania, although it was a little slow, I like the dark brooding atmosphere, and a lack of any over the top emotional outbursts. Got really into it.

Started Watching Voltron: Legendary Defender, that should keep me occupied for some time, 8 seasons in all, then going to finish She-Ra, which just looks delicious. Really liking the new Dreamworks stuff.

Any recommendations on what to watch next (on Netflix)?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Try this,old series but classic(in my opinion one of the best scifi series(only 1 season 21 ep),a shame it was cancelled but still worth watching).


Super Moderator
Staff member
You know what else epic show was cancelled after 1 season? Firefly.
I know but John Doe was kind of unique for its theme unlike Firefly(I know its different but it still is in space scifi category which has heavyweights like star trek or more recently babylon 5).


Okay, Finished Agents of Shield, was pretty epic, got really into it. Tried all the other Marvel shows, didnt like even one (except Punisher). Wanna watch Inhumans and Agent Carter

Final Space was really cool, watched that series three times back to back. Cannot wait to get more.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine was hilarious (it is not slapstick at all! The disasters that happen to Hitchcock and Scully are the closest to slapstick. This has very well planned out story arcs, build-ups and plot elements. Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, or Charlie Chaplin are slapstick comedies. Nine nine is a sitcom, and a good one at that. Tons of humour, very well developed character quirks, and it also has a heart.)

The IT Crowd was also good. Little late to the party, but finished all the five seasons. Kind of sad that it ended, but it ended in a good way. Loved the TShirts that Roy wore.

Then finished Castlevania, although it was a little slow, I like the dark brooding atmosphere, and a lack of any over the top emotional outbursts. Got really into it.

Started Watching Voltron: Legendary Defender, that should keep me occupied for some time, 8 seasons in all, then going to finish She-Ra, which just looks delicious. Really liking the new Dreamworks stuff.

Any recommendations on what to watch next (on Netflix)?

Totally agree on Brooklyn nine-nine. Loved the show. Andy Samberg is just too good! His expressions and comic timing is perfect. Plus each episode has always something new on to the table, never gets bored!
Though Castlevania was short, but the Castle & Dracula fight is epic, and "Bloody Tears" soundtrack was icing on the cake. Literal chills for somebody who has been playing castlevania games from NES era.
Will try Final Space and the IT crowd, thank you for the suggestions!


The Power of x480
Staff member
I forking LOVED the IT crowd. It's one heck of a show. And from where I learned the catchphrase in British accent,
"Have you tried turning it off n' on again?" Brilliant!


The High 5 Flyer
DareDevil of the rare series that grows as season passes ...SE03 was the best of the 3, as usual gripping, super dark, emotional and fights oh man ... any stunt choreographer has to see how with such hugely long shorts, fights can be choreographed and still can be as gripping, in fact, looks much real. DD SE03 surpassed the longest shot of SE01 ..... the show stealer fight sequence in DD SE03 is whooping 11 mins long one shot. and IT freaking amazinggg!!! ... I don't know how did they do it ...but no fast cuts, heck there ARE no cut in this 11 min shot ..... no crap closeups, everything this is shown up far in detail, and the fight still looks super gruesome and "real" ..... Loved DD ......8/10 for this one ...... It a shame that DD04 will not be returning on Netflix......