Apple wins $1 billion victory over Samsung

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Make Way the LORD is Here
Dec 12, 2005
Now this is news people, and i believe the verdict is correct because samsung was creating knock offs, their phones looked very similar to apple which would easily confuse the uninitiated.

In a verdict that would have warmed the heart of the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs, a federal jury on Friday handed Apple a resounding legal victory in its bitter patent war with Samsung, ordering the South Korean tech giant to pay more than $1 billion in damages for "willfully" copying the iPhone and iPad.

Legal experts say the jury's finding of willful infringement enables Apple to seek to triple the billion-dollar damage award, already believed to be an unprecedented judgment in a patent trial. The verdict also sends a threatening message to Samsung and other Apple competitors in the mobile-phone and tablet industry that use Google's Android operating system, potentially making it harder for them to compete with the
Apple vs. Samsung Cupertino-based tech giant in the multibillion-dollar industry......

Apple wins $1 billion victory over Samsung - San Jose Mercury News


Grand Master
Mar 16, 2008
this was bound to happen that other mobile companies r even copying icons of apple


Make Way the LORD is Here
Dec 12, 2005
agreed, when apple patents some swipe gesture or rectangular shape it's stupid, but what samsung did was too much, same colour and shape of icons witch only a slight change.... come on!


Cyborg Agent
Mar 29, 2010
Well. The verdict for the tech industry patent trial of the week is in, and the jury agreed with Apple's version of the events enough to award it a billion dollars and change in damages while awarding Samsung... nothing. Naturally, the two companies differ in their viewpoints on this ruling, with Apple celebrating a decision that supports its originality and innovation, and is "sending a loud and clear message that stealing isn't right." Samsung, on the other hand, claims it's all about standing up for the consumer, who it believes will be the true victim here, forced to pay more for fewer choices and less innovation now that one company has "a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners."Before we get to the inevitable appeals, Apple is seeking a preliminary injunction against Samsung's infringing products and Judge Lucy Koh has set September 20th as a date for the hearing. Apple has until the 29th to file its motion, which Samsung will have 14 days to respond to, before Apple has two days to craft a response of its own. While we all take a breather before the lawyers get back at it, you'll find the statements from both companies after the break.

Update: As expected, Samsung has indicated it will appeal the ruling. Wall Street Journal's Evan Ramstad tweets that it plans to file post-verdict motions to overturn the decision and if those are unsuccessful, it will take its case to the Appeals Court.

Apple:We are grateful to the jury for their service and for investing the time to listen to our story and we were thrilled to be able to finally tell it. The mountain of evidence presented during the trail showed that Samsung's copying went far deeper than even we knew. The lawsuits between Apple and Samsung were about much more than patents or money. They were about values. At Apple, we value originality and innovation and pour our lives into making the best products on earth. We make these products to delight our customers, not for our competitors to flagrantly copy. We applaud the court for finding Samsung's behavior willful and for sending a loud and clear message that stealing isn't right.

Today's verdict should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer. It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices. It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners, or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies. Consumers have the right to choices, and they know what they are buying when they purchase Samsung products. This is not the final word in this case or in battles being waged in courts and tribunals around the world, some of which have already rejected many of Apple's claims. Samsung will continue to innovate and offer choices for the consumer.

Apple was seeking 2.5$ Billion. Got less than half of it.


Make Way the LORD is Here
Dec 12, 2005
^^ it can happen , read around a bit, samsung internal documents show that the company heads/managers wanted their designers to make phones similar to apple because of apple's success. And they went too far with the copying, just look at the icons and you'll know. this is a trade mark issue. you might not see the tripling happening, but it is very likely + a ban of samsung products is also in the pipeline.


Back to school!!
Aug 17, 2007
Apple plainly sucks, their overpriced phones cannot keep up with android, period, so they try to sue some money out of competition, very pathetic, there's a reason people chose android over iphone, its not due to it being a knock off, but due to variation, more features and ofcourse cheaper price(55k for iphone? only an utter fool would pay that over 35k SGSIII or 32k OneX). Sad say for consumers, but then again doubt this will dent samsung much, a slight change in GUI and off they go, while Apple will keep on suing other companies.

PS: Nokie made a smart move choosing Win OS, maybe they foresaw this day back then.


Retired Forum Mod
Jan 16, 2010
^^ yes. their own designers warned that they are making an exact copy of iphone and may land them in hot water. but now the rectangle and rectangle with rounded sides patent have to be fixed.


Back to school!!
Aug 17, 2007
How can someone patent a shape, rectangle? Come on, then whichever company made the first monitor should sue all other cause its a rectangle, desktop windows are rectangle, a pen is a hollow cylinder, they should patent that too. American patent system is just stupid.


Cyborg Agent
Jul 21, 2010
An American court with American jurors side with the American company making their favorite dumbphones, while courts across the rest of the world either disagree or are not sure yet. Shameful precedent set by the court agreeing to Apple's claim that they own the "rectangular shape with rounded borders" deisgn. Where did they find a bunch of monkeys to be jurors?


The Vagrant Seeker
Jul 27, 2011
How can someone patent a shape, rectangle? Come on, then whichever company made the first monitor should sue all other cause its a rectangle, desktop windows are rectangle, a pen is a hollow cylinder, they should patent that too. American patent system is just stupid.

amrikka, the land of (stupid) patents, claims, & where anything & everything can sell & anyone can be sued for profit :D
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Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 10, 2008
explain why it is overpriced please, their pricing is the most consistent in the market. does any other manufacturer release the latest phones at the same price and predictably drop the prices of their previous offerings? And it's at the same release price since 4 years. this is one of the reasons why they are so good.
just because it's expensive does not mean it is overpriced. Even a truly luxury phone where you pay for nothing but the brand is not overpriced because the brand is worth that much, but apple is not one of these designer phones (eg Limited Edition Dark Knight Lumia). they may not be offering the best, or the cheapest, but they are offering the most appropriate.

now, apple is everywhere, even advertisements of unrelated products ask you to send sms on an iPhone screen, ads of online stores swipe through photos of an iphone, ipad and macbook. The newspapers, magazines, are all full of apple products from totally unrelated companies. the form factors of apple products have become de facto. The tv ads of reliance, lg, nokia, samsung all refer to apple in some way or the other, either visually or with word play, or with both. the world is literally revolving around apple, find it irritating, donno why these companies can't find their own thing to do.

yeah we always knew patents were messed up, it makes everyone do the same thing over and over again, and innovation does not spread quickly enough. patents are retarding out progress. that's what FOSS is all about.


Broken In
Jul 13, 2007
Apple is just overwhelmed by the response Samsung + Android(Google) is getting..So they are doing such things..
And anyway..Apple won the case at their home..The trail was just few miles away from their like they won their home series :p

red dragon

Master troll
Jan 29, 2009
Apple's business strategy is objectionable,but thinking iphone is overpriced is ridiculous!(Yes,it is overpriced in India and those blood sucker private operators and our great nation's policy makers are responsible for it)


In the zone
Dec 24, 2011
Apple's business strategy is objectionable,but thinking iphone is overpriced is ridiculous!(Yes,it is overpriced in India and those blood sucker private operators and our great nation's policy makers are responsible for it)
our nations great policy makers are responsible for iPhone's high Price?

anywayz Samsung will pay those $$ and start tweaking the designs of their phones immediately, again enter smartphone race.

i am using SGS2 and i never liked the TouchWiz or the Phones design or any feature they borrowed from iPhone but i luv it the most due to its hardware, display, quick response and Android OS.
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red dragon

Master troll
Jan 29, 2009
Don't want to create another mudslinging thread,but Android itself is a shameless copy of another os.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Apr 9, 2005
I bet Steve Jobs is doing a victory jig in his coffin. :D

I can't believe it took them so long to realize the similarity when it has been around for ages.
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