Battlefield 3


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

All right everyone. This discussion stops here.


Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

wow! is this magic?i clearly remember i posted something but now cant see it.:shock:


Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

FR TM85 conquest et TDM - Server Browser - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'sanW10' (for 0 minutes) ... BC2! Making
wtf :|


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

Guys I am getting multiple requests for friendly scrims with TDF Clan/Platoon :)

one of my friend(in Battlelog) has asked if we would be interested in a scrim/friendly match in their private server..

Whats your opinion?

this is their Platoon The Big Red One - Platoons - Battlelog / Battlefield 3


Staff member
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

haha wut ?

Last few minutes of seize in conquest and my LAV toppled down the bridge, luckily it was upright:

Crash landing right in front of tank:

Flying low is good for target practice

Wallpaper matreal (no pun intended)


Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

lol nice caps :D I have also been in that jet situation sometimes. a guy mistakenly spawns in the second jet instead of the first, so gets off and runs towards the first one, by the time someone spawned in that then goes back. the first guy wont takeoff so the guy behind gets angry and just rams into him which crashes the first guy and stalls the second. before the latest patch there was also another problem, when the jet at the back takes off the first jet will spawn right in front and will result in fireworks :lol:


FR TM85 conquest et TDM - Server Browser - Battlelog / Battlefield 3

wtf :|
only in that server ? or all servers ?



Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

^ just that, game closed while loading the map. :|
btw, reg latest patch, any idea about its size? :))
Last edited:


Staff member
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

^^it happens with me too. Do not worry, sweet prince.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Re: Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Discussion

@trolls.. shutup!!

let gets some rounds before the update begins.. I think it will start at 9 PM today..

FUUUUUUUUUUU.. Battlelog is getting updated :|
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