Battlefield 3 discussion!


^^^^ umm.... i still don't understand... is the video showing some bug with the flashlight or is it just the other player who is standing at one place?


Maximum Craze
guys now you can look at my signature about my rig & comment how much fps should I get? my resolution is 1680x1050

I have read that AMD performance is better in BF3 than NVIDIA HARDOCP - Performance - Battlefield 3 Open Beta Performance and Image Quality


Maximum Craze
NA October 25, 2011
AUS October 27, 2011
EU October 28, 2011

but this image say different things even old GTX 470 performs better than GTX 560 Ti :shock:

can anyone guide me how to download battlefield 3 beta & get keys? I downloaded origin & it should start download bf3 but how do I get keys ? what do I have to do to play the beta?


You dont need any sort of key to play the game. Its an open beta, meaning that its open for everybody(not the entire world btw :p ).
Just download the game from 'store>free games' in Origin and use your EA id to get into the battlelog and choose the server you want to join from there.
good luck.


Super Moderator
Staff member
guys now you can look at my signature about my rig & comment how much fps should I get? my resolution is 1680x1050

I have read that AMD performance is better in BF3 than NVIDIA HARDOCP - Performance - Battlefield 3 Open Beta Performance and Image Quality
GTX 260 is 55-60% of HD 6870/GTX 560 Ti.

Now you can assume what performance you'll get. :)

A quad core processor will also give you a decent boost.

but this image say different things even old GTX 470 performs better than GTX 560 Ti :shock:
HardOCP is a more reliable site. :) Both GTX 470 and 560 Ti perform equivalent. Old fact. :p

But GTX 470 was an electric stove. GTX 560 Ti is a great card.


Back to school!!
NA October 25, 2011
AUS October 27, 2011
EU October 28, 2011

but this image say different things even old GTX 470 performs better than GTX 560 Ti :shock:
50FPS for a GTX580 without AA?? This game better look damn good, I mean Crysis 2(DX11/HdTex) like good.

Damn 100k down the drain and can't get 60FPs without AA...... :evil:


Back to school!!
^^ I never play the beta, it spoils all the fun when the Final version comes out, if you want to play a game, play the correct version.


Long Live Gojira!
^^ I never play the beta, it spoils all the fun when the Final version comes out, if you want to play a game, play the correct version.

Holy Mother.... is that ye'r upgraded PC?! 580, i7 and all..... darn!

Waitaminute.... was beta even DX11?


Back to school!!
Holy Mother.... is that ye'r upgraded PC?! 580, i7 and all..... darn!

Waitaminute.... was beta even DX11?
Yeah, I kinda decided to upgrade my system when you went AWOL, now need MOAR games.

I think beta wasn't dx11, can anyone confirm?


Long Live Gojira!
Yeah, I kinda decided to upgrade my system when you went AWOL, now need MOAR games.

I think beta wasn't dx11, can anyone confirm?

You know what, I'm jealous. I admit it. I'm here doin' around 30 fps @ 1440x900 in DX11'd C2.... Wonder whether I can 30-fps-BF3 on Caspian Border w/ 64 players. :sad:


Awesome Gameplay videos, its gonna be a tough competition for COD MW3 on sales part & twice the amount of blood & sweat for gamers to run such kinda games with current GTX 5series & HD 6xxx.

Darn! I missed the beta. Shyz.

Do you know Deutsche ???


Back to school!!
You know what, I'm jealous. I admit it. I'm here doin' around 30 fps @ 1440x900 in DX11'd C2.... Wonder whether I can 30-fps-BF3 on Caspian Border w/ 64 players. :sad:
May its time you let go of the processor of yours, you upgraded the GPU to 5850(from 9800GTX+??), did you upgrade the proccy as well?
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